Aventurine : Money, Healing, Creativity, Decisiveness, Growth and Success .
Amazonite: Improves self worth.
Amber : Sun, Clarity, Confidence, Discipline, Memory, Uplifting. Amber Lifts heaviness, and is great at lifting the heaviness of burdens -- allowing happiness to come through. Color: Amber Element: Earth Lore: Protection. It supposedly "traps" evil forces within it. Correspondences: Protective, Druidic
Amethyst: Heightens psychic ability, very helpful in Meditation. Spiritually Uplifting. This is also the present carrier of the purple color ray. I wear a short necklace of this when I need to communicate effectively. Color: Violet Element: Water Lore: Supposed to protect from the "spirits" of Wine, a good piece "sings" (vibrates) when struck with a tuning fork. Correspondences: Wine/Blood
Amethystine Agate: Stimulates, Brings about change, Appetite: Communication.
Aquamarine: Clears thinking, Purifying, Confidence. It can help one understand difficult situations from a love-filled viewpoint.
Blue color Quartz: Color: Pale blue or clear with blue Elements: Air, Water Lore: A good concentration stone, but expensive, substitute: Blue lace agate, Turquoise, Aquamarine. Rain stone. Correspondences: Lunar, thunder and rain.
Blue Aventurine: Circulation. I get very happy when I wear this stone.
Green Aventurine: Physical healing. This is the stone I would choose for overall healing support. Transparent Aventurine is extremely powerful - however, it needs washing daily (dry flat). Immature transparent aventurine will fade.
Black Tourmaline: Protection
Black Obsidian: Grounding stone. This is a very strong stone. I use it sparingly.
Black Opal: See self as Soul. This stone seems to strengthen bones too.
Bloodstone: Soothes the mind, Relieves depression
Blue Laced Agate: Promotes feminine qualities, Gentleness
Blue Tiger's eye: color: Multi-blue, reflective. Elements: Water, Air Lore: Good for airline fears and boats, wind calling, also called "Siberian Tiger's eye, Hawk's/Falcon's eye." Correspondences: Astral travel, flight
Botswana Agate: Attracts gifts and small pleasures, Mood lifting
Brown Jasper: To direct energies towards the body
Brown Tiger's eye: Color: Multi-brown, reflective. Elements: Fire, Earth Lore: Like Hematite, it "reflects" danger away, only this is said to shatter it into multiple reflections which direct toward the one causing it. Correspondences: Said to be sacred to "cat" Gods, like Bast.
Cape Amethyst: Inner alignment. This seems to balance the inner bodies (emotional, spiritual, etc.) as well as provide more energy. Also good for arthritis - wrap strands of cape amethyst around aching joint.
Carnelian: To focus, Helps in making decisions, Balance, creativity and mental processes. Wash carnelian under water after wearing it. Carnelian is the carrier of the orange ray.
Chrysoprase: Spiritual protection. This stone allows me to work through issues without outside influences. Great when starting in management or working with large groups of people.
Citrine: Attracts abundance, Prosperity..Upliftment. Citrine encourages the yellow ray to support the body. This stone also helps one process energy work.
Clear Quartz: Inner awareness, Concentration, Energy enhancer. Physical Energy, Balance Emotions, Brain, Intensifies other Gemstones, Magical Powers, Psychic Ability. Color: Clear, like glass Element: Air Lore: The prime Scrying crystal, also for logic and an unclouded mind. Correspondence: Magick
Coral: Sea travel, protection, emotional foundation, protects and strengthens one's emotional foundation.
Diamond: Use sparingly, solidifying, fidelity, Increase personal clarity.
Emerald: Psychic awareness, future seeing, mother earth, balance, heart, Insight. This is the strongest physical healing gemstone. Emerald is the carrier of the green ray.
Fire Opal: Halloween/Samhain
Fresh Water Pearl: Enable one to accept love. See the good parts of oneself so you can love yourself and others more.
Frosted Quartz: Balance, wonderfully soothing.
Garnet: Heightens sexual awareness, Gently Energy, Loyalty, Passion, Love, Self-Esteem. Also know as earth's blood. Color: Red/Violet Element: Earth Lore: Blood related aliments, iron deficiency, good grounding and women's stone. Correspondences: mother/birth
Gold: Healing, Promotes abundance
Green Fluorite: Hormone Balance. This stone has been helpful with hormonal changes such as PMS and menopause.
Grey Moonstone: Helps one accept other stone's powers by cleansing blocks. This can be hard to wear.
Green Tourmaline: Promote male balance and physical healing. I do not recommend this for females (use emerald or aventurine).
Hematite: Grounding, Focus, Practicality, Clarity, Problem Solving, Confidence. Color: Reflective silver Elements: Air, Moon Lore: Protection, it reflects negative energy away. Sacred to the Morrigan, called "Raven's eye." Correspondences: Any Moon.
Ivory: Spiritual Protection
Jacinth: Friendship, Healing
Jade: Inner beauty, practicality, wisdom, attunement,relaxation
lapis lazuli: Justice, honor, third eye, wisdom, truth, psychic ability, healing, strength.
Leopard skin Jasper: Bring what one needs. Note that it doesn't necessarily bring in what you want. However, it is a wonderfully supporting stone.
Mahogany Obsidian: Decision making. It has been helpful in healing my gums as well.
Malachite: Inspiration, spiritual harmony. Color: Green Banded, some are blue. Element: Earth Lore: The Money Stone, also luck, and a good stone for gardening. Protective. Often mislabeled as "green tiger's eye." Correspondences: Luck, commerce
Moldavite: Grounding stone.
Mexican Onyx: Helps one sleep better.
Moonstone: Divination, dreams, balance, soothing, peace of mind, hormonal balance, selflessness
Moss Agate: Get in touch with nature. Plant knowledge.
Mother of Pearl: Protection; Know mother's love. This stone is a great protective stone.
Obsidian: Fire
Onyx: Stabilization, Comfort, Faith
Opal: Spirituality, Contact with the spirits, Secrecy
Orange Moonstone: Helps one accept other stone's help by comforting you. This is less powerful than white - but helpful when one really needs a certain stone.
Pearl: Intuition, Divination aid, Focus, Peace of Mind, Purity, Gentleness
Peridot: Compassion, Simple pleasures. Repels Evil, Calming, Prevents Anger, Healing, Brings the energies from in the aura to the physical body. This is useful after energy work
Pink Tourmaline: Promote female balance and protection.
Poppy Jasper: Gain a positive outlook.
Purple Rainbow Fluorite: Change. Helps one get out of ruts.
Quartz-Rose: Healing, Sexuality, Calming, Compassion, Forgiveness, Love Emotional balance. Color: Clear w/Pink or cloudy pink Element: Air Lore: An imagination releaser, good for kids. Correspondence: Love, dreams
Rhodonite: Emotional support. Helps one take the next step emotionally.
Rhodocrosite: Change. Gives one confidence while making desired changes. Very supportive. One can make large changes very quickly with this stone
Red Jasper: To
attract a love affair or maintain passion
Kunzite Emotional Support.
Red Tiger's eye: color: Multi-red, reflective Element: Fire Lore: Physical protection, swordsmithing, Phoenix, Brigid and physical prowess. Correspondences: Fire/Combat
Rock crystal: Direct contact with spirit world, Centering
Ruby: To bring about a very deep and pure love affair, Repel Poisons, Vigor, Vitality, Courage. Carrier of the red ray.
Sapphire: Protection, luck, peace of mind, Prophecy. Carrier of the blue ray.
Smokey Quartz: Repels Negativity, Ground Energy. Color: Clear/yellow with gray /brown gray Elements: Air, Fire Lore: A good protective and astral stone, It either works for you or it doesn't, very "temperamental" stone, good for variable people, good stone for someone working through MPD or similar "difference of order". Correspondences: Astral, Smoke, Air, Fire, Thunder.
Snowflake Obsidian: Color: Black w/white, gray Element: Fire Lore: Burn ease, fire prevention, toss a piece in BBQ pit to whiten coals, used to avoid snow problems. Correspondences: unknown
Sodalite: Clarity, Calming, Thought, Protects from external negative energy.
Sunstone: Enhances contemplations.
Sugilite: Absorbs garbage from wearer's aura.
Tanzanite: Changes. Uplifts and opens the heart.
Tiger's eye: Strength, Independence, Business startups, Courage, Protection, Grounding, Beauty, Gambling, Luck, Money, Physical Energy, Clarity
Topaz: Dispel fears, warmth Topaz: Healing, Protection, Calming, Creativity
Tourmaline: Electricity, Flexibility, Understanding, Objectivity, Calming
Tree Agate: Introspection. Helps one view themselves with more clarity and see the world through a broader viewpoint.
Turquoise: Physical protection, Creative force, thought, protection, friendship, balance, strength, vitality. Color: Sky Blue Elements: Air, Water Lore: Protection, verbal prowess, the bard's stone. General protection. A good stone to "tune in" to for beginners. Correspondences: Music/Poetry
Unikite: Balances physical/emotions.
White Moonstone: Helps one accept other stone's help through highlighting the others effects.
Unknown: Discover the properties of unknown stones for yourself. Find out what is true for you. Keep your stone with you as much as possible for a week. Place it next to your bedside when you sleep at night; wear it or put it on your desk during the day. Pay attention to your moods, your interactions with others, and your dreams. Do you have any insights? Try asking the question, "What does this stone do?" before going to sleep. It may help your unconscious/higher self/your inner guide tell you what the stone does for you.
For healing: Amethyst ,Bloodstone, Pearl
(pearl is draining unless used with other stones. I would not use it for physical healing unless you have an over abundance of energy. I would use it for emotional healing)
To experience subtle effects of energy: Diamond , lapis lazuli, ruby
To attract creativity: Bloodstone, Pearl , Beryl
For receptivity: Agate (I use Citrine or Cape Amethyst)
To provide general protection: a Beryl Lapis Linquis,
Sodalite or Mother of Pearl
For protection against cold: Carbon Steel, Rose quartz
For protection against anger: Pearl
The body needs all
7 color rays: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color
ray is associated with one or more (depending on which reference you use) of the
By using the color ray that supports a particular chakra, you can speed healing
of the associated areas and organs.
There are many ways to clear crystals of negative energy. Here are some suggestions:
Outside method: Place in sunlight, moonlight or rain for up to a day. Placing the stone on or near a plant often quickens the process.
Crystal method: If the stone is small place it on a quartz or amethyst cluster. The cluster should be dedicated to this purpose with a clear intent. Clean your cluster every month or two in rain or sunlight if possible. Amethyst geodes work well too. This is a great way to clean necklaces!
Sage tea method: This is very effective with less possibility of damaging crystals. Take fresh sage if available and brew a pot of light tea; allow it to cool. Place your crystals in a bowl (use glass if possible) and pour the cooled tea over them. Leave overnight, Then remove them and rinse with clean, pure water. Since there are chemicals in most water systems you may prefer to use a gallon of distilled water.
If you can safely place crystals outside for nature to cleanse that is perfect, though you'll need to be able to distinguish which stones cleanse best by moonlight and which stones cleanse best by solar.Smudge method: Pass stones through the smoke of a scented incense such as sweetgrass, frankincense, sage or Dragon's Blood. Passing them through a candle flame also works.
Water method: Place stones under alternating hot and cold running water for 5 minutes (or in the rain for many hours). Place stones in a plastic strainer and then alternate the hot and cold running water from the sink. It is good to have a water filter on your tap to filter out chemicals. This is quick and easy but has drawbacks: some stones loose their coatings when they get wet. Use caution with lapis, malachite and sodalite as they may get damaged faster. Cleaning these stones in the sun or moonlight works fine. [Note: Stones really like the rain. It cleans much better than the usual water method when the weather cooperates.]
Homeopathic method: Some homeopathic solutions clean gemstones as well. alcohol-free brands may work
Sea salt method: use 1 cup of sea salt to 2 cups natural spring water. Place stones in the salt, and let them soak for the better part of the day. If the day is sunny, let them dry in the sunshine for a few hours, or if you have lunar stones, lay in the moonlight on a windowsill through the night.
Sand method: when all else fails or you are having a hard time cleaning something, bury it in moist sand (or soil). No wrappings. It will get gems clean but be aware that the polish is often removed when this method is used.
*Stones damaged by sunlight (there may be more)*
Aventurine translucent types often loose color
Amethyst becomes paler
Apatite: pink variety fades
Aquamarine becomes paler
Beryl: brown or orange types may change to pale pink
Celestite: fades in direct sunlight
Citrine may change color
Fluorite green and purple types change color
Rose Quartz becomes paler
Smokey Quartz becomes paler
Kunzite becomes pale or loses color
Sapphire should be cleansed in moonlight