WARNING: This is a slash story, which means it contains male/male erotic content involving consenting adults. If you're not of legal age or are offended by such material, please go find something else to read.
Title: Let's Give Them Something to Talk
By: JayKay
Email: eyre68@yahoo.com
Rated: PG
Category: Humor
Summary: Dumbledore has Snape in for a little chat over recent
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter related characters and concepts are
copyrighted by JKR and Warner Brothers; this is for non-profit,
entertainment purposes only.
Notes: This is a little one-off that popped into my head while I was
driving around campus this morning, looking for a place to park. It's
short, un-beta-read, and it assumes Snape and Lupin have been
together a while.
"Ah, Severus. How good of you to come, and so punctual, too."
"You wanted to see me, Headmaster?"
"Yes, indeed I did. Do sit down. Tea?"
"Thank you."
long silence, punctuated by the gentle tinkle of silverware and delicate china, and polite inquiries about sugar
"I heard an interesting story from Hagrid yesterday, Severus."
"Did you indeed?"
"Yes... It appears you and Remus were in the Leaky Cauldron on the same evening he was last week."
"We dined there, after I had finished at the apothecary's. Given Hagrid's level of intoxication at the time, I hadn't thought he noticed."
"Oh, yes, he noticed. Apparently a great many others noticed as well."
"There were some... negative reactions to Remus, I believe?"
ground out through clenched teeth "They were pointing at him and whispering, and they drew away from him if he got too close."
"I see. I imagine it was uncomfortable for him."
"Yes, Headmaster."
"Hagrid said you didn't seem pleased by the situation either."
"No, Headmaster."
silence, vaguely tinged with expectation, which is disappointed when it is met with even more silence.
"Well, I'll come right to it, Severus. Hagrid said you called everyone in the pub an idiot."
"If you would like the exact quote...?"
"By all means."
"'Oh, for God's sake, and I thought the student body of Hogwarts was the biggest group of collective dunderheads I'd ever seen. If these gossip-mongering idiots want something to talk about, I say we give it to them'."
"And then you kissed him."
"Yes, Headmaster."
"I understand there was tongue involved?"
"It can hardly be called a proper kiss without, Headmaster."
"We're quite in agreement on that, Severus."
"Thank you, Headmaster."
another silence
"I don't suppose you would care to elaborate on what happened next?"
"We left the pub."
another silence
"You fail to mention that Remus picked you up and carried you out in his arms."
"He is stronger than he appears, Headmaster."
"So it would seem."
yet another silence, followed by a resigned, slightly frustrated sigh
"Professor Snape, normally I don't make it a policy to interfere with the personal lives of my staff, but in this case, I feel I should remind you that it's hardly in the best interest of this school and its reputation for stories such as this to be bandied about regarding one of our faculty and his partner."
"I apologize, Headmaster. It won't happen again. If there's nothing else...?"
"One thing more, Severus..."
"Yes, Headmaster?"
"Well done."