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WARNING: This is a slash story, which means it contains male/male erotic content involving consenting adults. If you're not of legal age or are offended by such material, please go find something else to read.

Title: A Singular Touch of Grace
Author: Becca
Rating: NC-17
Category: Drama/Angst
Summary: Lupin asks for a stronger dose, and Snape thinks about giving it to him.
Spoilers: Don't know, PoA, I guess.
Disclaimers: Severus and Remus belong to JK Rowling. No money made. The song "A Thousand Years" belongs to Sting.
A/N: This fic doesn't necessarily belong to my series "Sal Si Puedes", though it might be seen as a prequel - as you like it.


A million roads, a million fears
A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty
I could speak a million lies, a million songs,
A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time
But if there was a single truth, a single light
A single thought, a singular touch of grace
Then following this single point, this single flame,
This haunted memory of your face



Today's lessons were finished and Dumbledore had summoned the members of the Hogwarts Faculty for a staff meeting in order to discuss the proceedings of this year's final exams. He cheerfully dismissed his staff after everything had been scheduled and planned.

It was late afternoon and dusty rays of sunlight fell through the staff room windows. Severus Snape gathered his papers and made sure his wand was still inside his robe. Papers to grade, of course, some research on antidotes for the Ministry, detentions he had to supervise this evening. He raised an eyebrow and turned to leave.

Only one other teacher hadn't left the room. Remus Lupin sat at the opposite side of the long table and stared at his hands lying on the heavy wood in front of him. The dying sunlight made is hair glow with a shade of reddish brown, the fine hair on his temples and cheeks a hazy hue of gold. But that wasn't what Severus saw. He noticed how Lupin breathed carefully and he could well imagine that Lupin moved *things* in his head, searched for words. Anger and impatience rose inside him and he snarled: "Oh, Lupin, come on! What do you want?"

"About the Wolfbane Potion, Severus..."


"I think I need a stronger dose next time. The transformation was... very painful last full moon and I have a feeling I wasn't really able to control... I mean, it should be safer if you... Make it stronger, will you, Severus?"

"If you insist. But you know about the side effects." His voice was casual, matter-of-fact.

"Yes. Yes, I know." He looked up and straight at Severus. Tears were welling in his eyes. "Of course I do. I feel them every day. But still..." Remus hesitated. "I hurt myself very badly last time. I'm scared to face that beast again... I... in case I can't direct it towards myself... I might... hurt someone else. A student."

Severus closed his eyes.

"You should have told me before, Lupin. It would be a *lot* easier for me to help you if you trusted me, you know." He walked around the table and stood behind Remus' chair. Remus' shoulders felt tense beneath his hands as he slowly started to massage them. The werewolf's scent filled the air and Severus inhaled deeply. "Where did you hurt yourself?"

Remus unfastened his robe and unbuttoned his shirt down to his chest. He opened his clothes to Severus' sight. A long, red scar ran from his upper ribs down to his hip. Severus gasped. "What did you do, in Merlin's name? What did you *do* to yourself?" - "I don't remember how this happened. It's not that bad though, Severus. It stung like a knife and still bled after the re-formation, but you know my wounds tend to heal quickly... It's almost gone, isn't it?" He forced a weary smile.

"Nonsense, Remus. It looks awful and I'm sure it still hurts like hell." He made Remus get up from the chair and face him. "Let me take care of it." His fingers brushed over Remus' cheeks and jaw-line. "Why didn't you tell me, stupid?" His hands nestled with the partly open robes and touched the skin below. When he reached the scar tissue Remus took in a sharp breath. "Come to my quarters with me and let me *please* take care of it!"

Together they headed for the dungeons, Severus muttering insults and curses under his breath. "This stubborn... Why didn't he... suffer... deserves it... stupid bastard... should be exposed... treated... Cruciatus..." Students who came across them whispered to each other and tried to get out of their way as soon as possible. Severus did indeed give an intimidating impression: keeping a determined pace, his black robes billowing behind him, eyes narrowed, a sharp vertical line between his eyebrows, muttering incomprehensible things, obviously en rage, a reluctant Professor Lupin at his heels... "I bet he has given him *detention*... I wouldn't put it past Snape to... maybe we should alert Dumbledore... the DADA job will probably be vacant again tomorrow... points from Gryffindor..."

When they finally reached his quarters he tore open the door, pushed Remus inside, slammed the door behind himself and started to hiss accusations at Remus immediately. His fury clearly had grown on their way down here. "You stupid bastard! Why didn't you tell me? I can't believe that! How am I supposed to do my job with you being so ignorant? You deserve it, werewolf, you really do!" He pinched the nasal bone between his eyes and sighed. "Take off your robe and your shirt and let me do my work." Remus let his eyes dart around, seeking for something do hide behind. "Lupin! Get undressed *now*! I won't look at you while you do." Severus growled, irritated. Slowly Remus slipped out of his clothes and coughed nervously to call Severus' attention back to him when he was ready. Severus had turned his back on Remus and started to examine his Potions Cabinet where he kept his private supply of potions and ingredients. He seemed totally absorbed by his thoughts so Remus coughed again. "Severus, I'm ready."

As he turned to face Remus the Potions Master's face stayed nearly motionless, only his left corner of the mouth twitched slightly and his eyes flickered. He was struggling to keep composure. He had known what to expect but the sight of Remus' upper body caught him off guard nonetheless. There was not an inch of his chest that wasn't covered with scars, most of them old and faded, but still. "Move over to the desk and lie down." With a flick of his wand he cleared the worktable and murmured "Lumos." Colourless and distinct light radiated from his wand. Glad that Lupin, now spread out on the desk, had closed his eyes and thus was not able to see Severus' wand hand trembling, he walked over to where the werewolf was lying. He examined the fresh scar thoroughly and when he touched the tissue once again, Remus moaned in pain. As if he were talking to an injured child, Severus uttered mumbled words of consolation: "Shush, everything is going to be all right... Shshshsh, yes, it hurts, I know... poor thing... Trust me, it's going to be over soon... everything is going to be just fine..."

Remus couldn't believe his ears and so he opened his eyes to make sure. Was this Severus Snape, the terrifying Potions Master? Babbling along sweet words of affection and comfort? But too soon he was distracted anew by the raging pain in his side. Suddenly he felt cool ointment being applied to his skin; it felt good, soothing. He closed his eyes again, listening to the intense voice casting the spells Severus used to heal the infection underneath the scar and the bruised tissue itself. Since when did Severus know how to do Wandless Healing Magic? Tender fingers hovered only millimetres over Remus' skin, sending waves of both warm and cooling energy through his whole body. The pain finally ceased and left its' victim relieved. The tension in his muscles loosened and he felt his whole body go limp; he barely realised that tears were trickling from the outer corners of his eyes. He hadn't been free of pain for almost two weeks and he allowed himself to indulge in the feeling of bodily unconsciousness. "Thank you." Remus whispered. Then he started to drift off to sleep.

Something made him return to awareness. A sensation. Contact. But... Slowly realisation dawned on him. Breath. Lips. Connecting with the freshly healed scar, with his body. What...?!? "Severus...? Sev... Severus!? W-what... aaaaaahhhh... aaahhh..."

"Sssshhhh.... relax... everything is going to be all right... just relax... everything's just fine..."

Remus sat up with a jolt. "No, everything's not 'just fine'. What are you doing?" - "I-I... I was kissing your scar..." Severus answered, slightly surprised himself and taking a step backwards. He looked at Remus with glittering eyes. "I'm s-sorry... You were so tempting, lying there on my desk..." He swallowed and let his glance wander over the body displayed before him, then cast down his eyes. "Didn't you like it...? I won't do it again, then."

"Of course I liked it! Isn't that pretty obvious?" He laughed irritably, looking down at his lap. "But I never expected..." - "Neither did I." Severus closed the space between them again and framed Remus' face with his hands. "But I'm willing to let it happen..." His lips briefly touched Remus' cheekbone - "What about you? I promise you'll like it..." - and then engaged Remus' mouth in a lingering kiss. Remus, overwhelmed by the seductive timbre in Severus' voice and the sensual movement of the tongue caressing his lips, wrapped his arms around Severus' slim but muscular body and pulled him closer. He stroked Severus' back through his robes and wound his legs around his waist. A simultaneous hiss from both mouths echoed the sensation of their erections touching, even if they still were impeded by layers of cloth. It didn't take long to remove those impediments, though.

Severus pulled Remus down from the desk and made an attempt of turning him around. But Remus resisted. He thrust his groin forward to touch Severus' and grabbed hold of Severus' upper arms. Holding Severus' upper body at arms' length he whispered: "And I'm willing to let it happen, too. And I promise *you*'ll like it just as much..." Smiling, he slowly turned Severus to face the desk.

He sensed and smelt the slight irritation rising in Severus. "Shshsh, just relax... everything's going to be just fine..." His words came mockingly and tender at the same time. After taking his time kissing and licking Severus' neck, he reached around to caress the chest and hardening nipples he couldn't see but feel. Severus moaned, leant back against Remus' body, then bent forward, grinding his buttocks against Remus' throbbing erection. His arms stretched out to rest on the desk. Then again he moved one hand behind his back to touch Remus' cock. Remus flinched at the contact and bit his lips as Severus started to slowly stroke him. He *did* like it and some small drops of salty liquid coating the teasing fingers reassured Severus of that.

His shaking hand searched for his wand and found it somewhere in the heap of clothes piled next to Severus on the desk. With a quick movement and a muttered spell he conjured a white porcelain jar. He had chosen an odourless lubricant for he didn't want to miss any of Severus' arousing scent of mint and almonds and Severus... Covering his fingers richly with the cool liniment he took a quick glimpse at Severus' face. Partly opened mouth, closed eyes, lashes slightly trembling.

Severus gasped as Remus touched his opening. The lubricant felt cool but Remus' caressing fingers were warm, no, hot. His grip on the edge of the desktop tightened. One finger slid inside him, carefully turning. A second finger joined the first and Remus began to stretch him gently. Severus moaned. "Aaaahhh... yes... yes... that" But he stopped and breathed heavily. "How does it feel, Severus?" Remus continued his ministrations, even intensified them. "Tell me. How am I supposed do my job properly if you don't tell me?"

"Lupin! Please!" Annoyed. But only for a split second. "It feels... so... more... please, *more*!" Remus eagerly obeyed to Severus' wish and inserted a third finger. This time Severus couldn't hold back and moaned with pleasure. A second hand sneaking around his waist and wrapping his cock in a not too tight grip turned the moans into a hoarse cry.

Remus withdrew his fingers and positioned himself against the opening. He gave his cock a short thrust and entered Severus just partly. "Just relax... relax..." Then he pushed against the tight muscles and buried his aching shaft completely in Severus' hot body, never letting go of his lover's cock. It seemed like hours before he would move again or allow Severus to move. First they went slowly but lust and pleasure soon forced them to a faster pace. Remus slammed into Severus and pumped Severus hard, changing rhythm every now and then. When he felt their climax approaching he stopped moving, indulging in Severus' ragged breathing and his moans of need and frustration.

"Remus... I'm... so... I'm going to... close... now, now, *now*!" They both came violently, Remus screaming Severus' name while filling him with gushes of his semen, Severus gripping the desk with one hand and biting the other to stifle his cries, coated Remus' hand with his own come. After the last waves of orgasm had gone through their bodies, they collapsed on the desk. It took them a long while to catch their breath.

Remus was the first to regain power of speech. "Will you promise me now to tell me what you want... need... so I can take care of you, Severus?" Severus nodded, still delirious.

"We have an agreement on this?" Pause.

"Severus? Severus?"

Severus opened his eyes.

The staff room. Afternoon sunlight. Remus on the other side of the table, a worried look on his face.

"Severus? What's the matter?"

"Nothing, Lupin!" He snapped, trying to hide the shaking in his voice.

"Do we have an agreement on the Potion, then, Severus?"

"If you insist. See me tomorrow and you'll be given what you asked for." He rushed out of the room, leaving a confusing and unreadable scent to Remus' nose, his robes billowing behind him.

