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I'm Telling you the boys is hot!!!!
Mike is 14 from Chicago, He took his fathers foot steps from Rap Fenz to begin production on hi visions he's working hard in the studio whit little c and the rest of his crew to get his new untitled (So far) CD out. Also making those Mix CDS as we speak.
Mike SR
Mike SR is from Chicago, He's whit a DJing group called the Soul fenz back in the day they called him "The Wizard" Now he's helping his son produce his music.
Little C
Little C is 15 from Chicago, He's one of mikes close friends and raps whit him he's also on mikes up coming CD. His dad is Mike SR close friends also so its a connection.
(The Images are similar in a way to the people but have not exact similarity)
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WebMaster/Basement Productions Chief: Michael A/ Williams