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Made up by moi


'Loosing you has made me want to come and find you, but when my time comes, you will be my last thought before I leave this world'

'Htebazile- to hit someone over the head with a stick'

'When you fear, I will be your hope. When darkness sweeps, I will be your light. When despair enters, I will be your faith. When pain follows, I will be your healing. When promises fall, I will be your dream.'

'Life's a breeze when you have a fan'

'Anyone can play games, but to learn from them is more valuable than any trophy'

'You cannot die if you never lived'

'If you killed me, I'd escape you'

'Drawing...because It shows me who I am, and not who I want to be'

'You ask me so many questions to prepare yourself for the outcome but when it comes your feelings take over not your head'

'Because I wanted that feeling so much Id do anything to get it'

'Every time I speak to you, I cry, not because im sad but because you fill me with something so wholesome and great that It pushes my tears and sadness out'

'I loved this person because about his person he had me'

'I can't wait for the day when you hold me, so close I can hear your heartbeat, so close I can smell your warmth, so close I forget my life and remember yours.'

'And then his wife walks over. The last one he loved. And I say 'Why not me?' '

'In the future will they think of me as I am now, or remember me as I was then?'

'I dream of you at night, of you touching my skin, making it burn from a fire within.'

'Sitting here hating every word I write, every mark this pen makes is a sin. Terrible in all its glory my testimony hurts, ruins me. Acid, that's what pours out of me.'

