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Say Anything

By Nicola Mattin


Billy sighed. Why did she always make him feel like this? Why did he put up with it? He got up and looked out the window; he could see her walking to her car in the street, a smug grin on her face. She knew what he knew. That he’d never leave her. He adored her. Why else would he put up with all her shit? Everyone had told him to leave her, but he could never bring himself to do it. Instead his friends had to watch him suffer and just be there for him. His phone rang.

“Hello? Hi Grace. How are you? I’m fine, no really I am. What? Oh Victoria, no she’s gone away for a few days. Where I don’t know, but probably to see Mike or whatever he’s called. Look you don’t have to come round, but it’ll be nice if you do. I‘ll see you soon. Bye”


Half an hour later, Grace arrived. “Oh Billy why do you put up with her, she doesn’t love you, you could do so much better.”

“She does love me, in her own way, and I love her you know that.”

“BILLY!! She doesn’t love you, not if she’s off shagging some other bloke. She just keeps you hanging on cos she likes having a rock star boyfriend. She’s using you.”

“Stop talking about her like that, let’s change the subject ok?” He said firmly.

“Alright, but it’s only because I care about you that I’m going on.” She looked at him, he looked tired, and he had big black circles under his eyes and a haunted look in them.

“So how are things going with you then, you like your new job?”

“Yeah its ace, everyone’s really nice and I love the work!”

“Good I’m pleased, you’ll still be able to get time off though, to spend a few weeks on the road with us? We love it when you tag along!” for the first time since she had arrived his face lit up, and he looked happy.

“Yep I’ve got 3 weeks off bout 3 months from now, so I’ll be there with bells on!”



Billy had finally been starting to relax when he heard the front door go. Victoria was back. He immediately went to greet her at the door. Grace sighed and got ready to leave, she wasn’t welcome when victoria was here. The 2 women didn’t exactly get on like a house on fire. Grace hated her for what she was doing to Billy. “Oh Grace what are you doing here? Not that it matters, I’m here now so you can leave” She sneered at Grace.

“Your back early wasn’t your other boyfriend in? You make me sick, you have an amazing man who worships you and you treat him like shit!”

“Are you going to let her talk to me like that Billy?” victoria pouted.

“Uh Grace knock it off ok. I’ll speak to you tomorrow.”

“No you won’t. You two spend way too much time together; you’re taking me away tomorrow”

Grace looked at Billy. He just shrugged his shoulders.

“Oh ok. Thanks Bill. Least I know where I stand now. I guess I won’t be coming away with you in 3 months then.” “Bye” she managed to choke out, as she headed to the door.

He looked like he wanted to run after her, but he didn’t. He stood looking helpless.


Grace headed to Benji and Joel’s house. “Hey Gracie, I thought you were spending a couple of days with Billy?” Joel said when he opened the door.

“I won’t be spending anytime with Billy anymore; victoria decided for him that he sees me too much!”

“And he stood there and did nothing, didn’t say ANYTHING?” Joel looked shocked.

“Didn’t say a word, he looks so awful Joel, what’s she doing to him and why can’t he see she doesn’t love him, she only came back today cos her other bloke wasn’t in!” Grace sighed. Can I have a hug? I feel like I need one!”

“Sure, wanna hang out here for a while?” He asked while hugging her.

“That would be lovely, thanks.”

“I hope you aren’t going to stop seeing all of us? We’d all miss you.”

“I’ll be around but I’m going to stay away from Billy, it hurts soo bad seeing him being treated like that”

“You’re still in love with him then?” Joel said.

“Yeah fraid so, but I was happy being his best friend, as long as he was happy but he’s not, I know it.”

“Come on Benji’s in the kitchen, attempting to cook, that’ll give you a laugh!”

“Oh dear wouldn’t it be easier and less painful to get a takeaway?”

“Hey! I’m a good cook, you wait, you’ll be sorry!” Benji came over and hugged her. “I heard what you were saying to Joel. You ok?”

“Not really. But he isn’t going to stand up to her, so what can I do?”

They had a good evening. Grace forgot all about her problems. They even persuaded her to go with them to their band practice the next week. “But Billy will be there.” She wailed.

“Well duh! But you want to see him don’t you? And I know he’ll want to see you so you’re going” Joel said firmly.


She arrived with the twins at the rehearsal hall. Billy, Chris and Paul were already there. They all greeted each other. Billy managed to stammer out an embarrassed and ashamed hello to Grace before he sat down and looked at his feet. Throughout the practice she caught him looking at her and her heart leapt every time, but then he’d just look down and concentrate on playing.


Once they had finished, they all decided to go for something to eat. Somehow, though probably with guidance on everyone else’s part Billy and Grace were sat together.

“So how are you?” She asked. He was her best friend, the man she was in love with and she found herself struggling for something to say.

“I’m ok. Yourself?”

“Well considering I’ve lost my best friend to some witch of a girlfriend who treats him really badly, I’m doing just great!” Her voice got louder as she spoke and they were all looking at her when she finished. He looked at her hopelessly. She felt tears coming so she decided to leave.

“I’m going now. I’ll see you all soon” She said to four of them. Turning to Billy she simply said “Bye” and walked out.

“Aren’t you going after her? She’s upset.” Joel said.

Billy just sat there, looking down. He couldn’t go to her. She was better off without him. He knew it hurt her seeing him like this and that made him feel worse. Joel looked at him expectantly.

“For fucks sake Billy” Then he got up and went after her himself.


Once Joel had gone, everyone was quiet, not knowing what to say. “She loves you, you know” Paul said quietly.

“I know she cares for me. Its better she doesn’t see me again. Billy looked wretched.

“No numb nuts. SHE. LOVES. YOU. HEAD OVER HEELS. TOTALLY AND UTTERLY! Benji spelt it out to him. Billy digested the information and for the first time he smiled. “Really?”

“Yeah really. And somewhere deep down we all know you feel the same. Think how happy you could be. Get rid of victoria now.” Chris urged.

“I…I can’t” Billy faltered “I have to go, I said I’d be back early”

“Ok just think about what we said ok?”

He nodded.


“Gracie wait up. Please.” Joel called after her.

Turning round she waited. Billy hadn’t even tried to come after her. She started to cry again.

“Finally you stopped. I’m sorry bout back there; we thought we were helping but obviously not”

“It’s ok, I’ve just got to accept Billy isn’t a part of my life anymore” She smiled sadly.

“Want to come back to mine? Keep me company for a bit?”

“Sure” He put his arm round her and walked her home.


When Billy got home Victoria was out. He was glad. He needed time to think. Grace loved him! Just thinking about it made his head spin, but he realised he was pleased.

Right it’s time to stop being a doormat. He thought to himself. He waited up all night for victoria to come home and when he heard her car he picked up her bags and headed to the door. He stood in the doorway so she couldn’t get in.

“What’s all this? Are you trying to sneak away without telling me?” She asked.

“I’m not the one leaving you are!”

“Really? Don’t be so silly; now let me in before I get angry!”

“I mean it. It’s over. We’re finished. I never want to see you again”

“Ok. Have it your own way. It’s no great loss on my part. I didn’t love you Billy, not really. All the things your friends and your precious ‘Gracie’ said about me. They’re probably all true.”

She left. Billy shut the door, walked into the living room and cried with relief.


“He’s split up with her? Oh Chris that’s brilliant!”

“How does he seem?”

“Well more like his old self. You should go and see him.” Chris was meeting Grace for a coffee a week later, and he was filling her in.

“I want to but he should come and see me first I think” Chris nodded.

“But you’re coming tonight to the concert?”

“Definitely. Talking of which you better go sound check I’ll see you in a couple of hours” She got up.

“You’re not coming with me?”

“Nope. Got to do some shopping. I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Ok bye”


She scoured the shops trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. She tried to tell herself she needed new clothes, but she knew she was looking for something Billy would like her in. she settled on a long black skirt and a dark purple top. She even amazed herself with a little bit of make up. She looked in the mirror and was pleased with the result. She went to the dressing room where they all were. “Hi everyone” She said as she entered.

“Hey Gracie” Joel sprang up and gave her a hug. “You look great”

“Thanks I feel pretty good to. Hey Billy aren’t you going to say hi to your bestest friend?” She pulled a puppy dog face.

“Uh…… of course” He got up and hugged her. He’s shaking. She thought to herself. “Bill are you alright? You’re shaking.” She was concerned now because she could feel tears on her shoulder.

“I’m fine; I’m just SOOO sorry for everything. I should have listened to you and when she said I couldn’t see you I should have told her where to go. I’m so sorry!” Tears were streaming down both of their faces. The rest of the guys had quietly left.

“Billy look at me. It’s fine. Let’s just forget it and move on. I’ve missed you so much, like I had a piece of me missing! She hugged him.

“I’ve missed you to; I thought it would be best if I stayed away.”

“Well don’t think that again ok? Now what are you doing after this?”

“Well we’ve got 2 days off…”

“So have I. I say you and me veg out on my sofa, watch rubbish on the TV and eat pizza for 2 days. Deal?”

“Yup definitely!”


After the concert Billy went to Graces. It was just like how they had always been. The enjoyed each others company.

“You look so much better. The dark circles under your eyes have gone and you smile more!”

“That’s cos I’m with you. You make me feel happy!”

Then before they both fully knew what they were doing they kissed. It was soft and gentle. They drew apart after a while both embarrassed, unaware of how the other felt.

“Um sorry. I don’t know why I did that” Billy started, looking embarrassed.

“Don’t be sorry. You can do it again if you want?” She looked at him hopefully.


“Please” she breathed.

So he leant in and kissed her again, for longer this time and more passionately. When they finally pulled away they sat looking at each other.

Touching her cheek with his hand he looked in her eyes and said “I love you Gracie”

She smiled. Holding his hand against her cheek she said “I love you too, very much”

They were a couple from that moment on.


They were due to go out for a meal with the rest of Good Charlotte on their last day off. They arrived at Paul’s late having been held up getting to know each other more intimately!

“What kept you?” Everyone asked. “We’re hungry.

“It’s her fault. She shouldn’t be so damn sexy!” Grace whacked Billy on the arm. She went bright red as everyone realised what Billy meant.

“About time, you both look really happy. Especially you Bill” Benji hugged them both. “Now are we going to go to the restaurant or do I have to threaten to cook something?”


“Do you have to go right this minute? Don’t you want to stay here with me?” Grace wrapped herself around Billy. “I’m sure we can think of a way to pass the time.” She thrust her naked body into his.

“Awww don’t do that you know I have to go” Billy groaned as she began wantonly grinding her body against him.

“I know. It doesn’t mean I have to like it! You’ll be gone 2 months!” She sighed.

“We’ll have LOTS of catching up to do when I get back” Billy stood up reluctantly and got dressed. She lay back with a grin on her face, thinking about when he would return.

A while later Billy kissed her awake.

“I have to go now”

“Ok I’m going to miss you SO much”

“I’m going to miss you to. I’ll ring you. I promise” He hugged her. “I love you” He whispered in her ear.

“Love you to; say hi to all the guys to me”

“I will. Bye gorgeous”


The first month he was away passed really slowly, despite talking everyday on the phone. They missed each other desperately. With three weeks til they came home. Grace couldn’t take it. She talked to her work and left the next day.

Joel answered his phone. “Hi Gracie. No Billy’s not here. Want me to get him?” He listened to her for a few minutes. “No that’s no trouble. We’ll be pleased to see you. Billy’s been pining away. I’ll see you tomorrow at the airport. Bye”


Joel got to the airport early, checking the board he found the right gate and went to meet her.

“Hi Grace, nice to see you, Billy is going to be so pleased to see you. He was only saying this morning he missed you”

“I can’t wait to see him. Couldn’t believe how much I’m missing him!”

“Come on, he thinks I’ve gone shopping, I said I was going to get something special!”


Joel took her back to the hotel they were staying in and to where all the guys were hanging out before they went to do there TV performance.

“Hey I’m back. I got something excellent while I was out. Billy wanna see?” the rest of them could see Grace but kept quiet.

“Not really. I’m not in the mood. I haven’t heard from Grace for ages, I’m worried.” He continued looking out the window.

“Billy I’m telling you you want to see what I got!” Joel persisted.

“And I’m telling you LEAVE ME ALONE!”

“Billy if you don’t turn round this instant, I’m going to get on a plane and go home again!” Grace started grinning.

Billy finally turned round and his entire face lit up as he saw Grace, he went over to her and enveloped her in his arms.

“What are you doing here?”

“I missed you so much, I couldn’t bear it anymore. I hope you don’t mind?”

“Of course not. It’s great you’re here” He smiled.

“Thanks for picking her up” Billy told Joel.

“Anytime, least you’ll be a bit more cheery now.”

Billy took Grace up to his room, “I can’t believe you’re here. It’s great.” He hugged her again. “So how long are you here for?”

“Til you go home, I’m kinda of taking an ongoing leave of absence from work, they’ve been really good” Grace smiled and kissed him.

“Fantastic. Now shall we do some catching up?” Billy laid her down on the bed and began kissing her.


 Three months later, Good Charlotte were on tour and Grace was with them. They were sat in the dressing room just before they were due to go on. Grace and Billy were cuddled up together on a sofa, laughing at the story Benji was telling. Everyone was feeling relaxed and happy. Suddenly the door burst open. Victoria walked in. “Billy” she screamed as she ran over to him arms wide open waiting for a hug.

“What are you doing here?” Billy asked angrily.

“Well I’ve been doing some thinking and I forgive you for breaking up with me and I’ve decided we should give it another go” She stood waiting expectantly for him to stand up and hug her.

“I have a girlfriend; I don’t need another one, least of all one like you!” He gripped Grace’s hand as if his life depended on it. She squeezed it reassuringly.

“Well split up with whoever she is. I’m sure it isn’t as serious as me and you were. Who is she? I’ll do it for you. Come on Billy cat got your tongue, tell me her name” She snapped.

Everyone was staring at her open mouthed, waiting to see what Billy would do.

“Grace is my girlfriend and I have NO intention of splitting up with her. I think you should leave. You’ve outstayed your welcome. Bye” he turned his back to her and looking at Benji said, “So tell us the rest of the story, you were just getting to a good bit” he looped his arm round Graces waist and leaned against her.

“Uh…… yeah right, anyway so I go over to them and…..” Benji carried on with his story. Everyone else carried on talking to each other. Victoria was stood standing in the middle of the room, looking stupid. She glared at Billy then flounced out. Once she’d gone, everyone let out a sigh of relief. “Well done Bill I’m proud of you, you handled that well” Grace planted a kiss on his nose.

“Thanks. Couldn’t have done it without you. “He smiled.


“Think she’ll like it?” Billy asked Benji for about the 100th time.

“She’s going to love it Billy. Can’t believe your going to ask her to marry you. Talking of which when are you going to ask her?”

“Tonight. I’m cooking for her and then I’m going to ask her. I’m really nervous”

“Why? She’s going to say yes!”

“I know but it’s a big step isn’t it?”

“But you’re ready for it? Right?” Benji asked

“Definitely I’ll be the happiest man in the world when she says yes!”

That night Billy cooked for Grace and after once they had cleared away. He sat her on the sofa, and got down on one knee.

“Billy what are you doing? Have you dropped something? Want me to help you look?” She started to get up.

“No. just stay there and listen. Grace. I love you. You complete me. I don’t ever want to be parted from you. Will you marry me?” He pulled out the box with the ring in and offered it to her.

“Oh Billy, yes I’ll marry you!”

He took the ring from the box and hands shaking he placed the ring on her finger.

“It’s beautiful; she gazed at the ring on her left hand. Then she looked at Billy and burst into tears. “You’ve made me so happy”

He got up and hugged her. “You’ve made me happy too, you’re going to be my wife!” He was grinning. “Mrs Grace Martin. Has a nice ring to it! Don’t you think?”


                                                         THE END