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[ Background by www.SoupFaerie.Com ] Just Another Girl

I remember, I remember the night that I was born,

It was dark and stormy, but I couldn't wait 'til morn.

Dad went for the doctor, he was in bed fast asleep.

He opened up one beady eye, and said. "I think she'll keep."

But he was wrong because he was a silly old twit!

He didn't know the kind of babe that he was

dealing with!

I lay there on my mother's bed, a lovely little bundle

, Dad took one look, "Another girl? Throw her out the


I deeply resented that, it cut me like a knife,

So I determined then and there, I'd be the torment

of his life.

I chased the cat around the house, I even pulled its


. I chased the hens, I scared the geese, and then I

teased my sisters.

Poor Tabby Cat wandered off one day and got into

some strife,

Caught in a trap, and tangled up, she lost her ninth


My sisters cried, my mother sighed, I laughed at all

their tears,

Father said that I was cruel, and bent down and

pulled my ears.

At dinner time I sat so still, and pretended I was


But I peered wickedly at my sisters , and put them

off their food.

I told some jokes and teased them 'til they ran off

in tears,

Then I ate up all my food, and started in on theirs.

I ate that food, I enjoyed it all, it fulfilled all my


But I always had a tummy ache when it was time to

do the dishes.

When we went berry picking, I ate all the biggest


I climbed up the cherry tree and gorged myself on


. I stirred up the hornet's nest near my little sister,

They swarmed out and stung her, I don't think one

of them missed her!

When I jumped down from the hayloft, almost cut

my tongue in two,

Father said it wasn't a proper thing for a little lady to


But I wanted to be a tomboy, a grubby little lad,

Not just "another girl" as he had always said.

I kept it up through all the years, I kept them in a


And when I left they missed me, as the oyster

misses the irritation of the pearl.

I bet Dad wished he'd never said:

"Throw her out the window she's just another girl!"