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The master mind of the attempts to overthrow the Land of Flurrish, and Poodey's arch nemisis. Some people say Redscar and Poodey are cousins, or possibly even brothers, but both would deny it. Unlike Poodey, fruit is Redscar's weakness. He was born with an immunity to the fruit's magic and a strong loathing for anything round and juicy. However, as soon as they grow rotten, Redscar can devour as much as he likes to be mega charged into a vengeful, dark focal point for destruction. Using his dasterdly tricks and his most loyal henchman trained to put an end to all growth and ripeness, Redscar tries with all his effort to either repay Poodey for foiling his last plan or destroying all natural production in the Land of Flurrish and thus depriving the land of healthiness and happiness. But Poodey's good heart and love for citrus will always be there to stop him.
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