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Realm Of The Dark Gods...

Temple Of Dionysus

"Gather round my brethren for it's time to raise our hands and chant. Listen to me sisters and raise your voice in sacred song. Come ye all and gather, for now it's time to dance. For out of chaos comes order and this is our chance! Twice born is he my father and held with blessed grace; the God of vegitation will soon grace this hallowed place..."

"Gather round my brothers and open heart and soul. Let him in to guide us, for this was once foretold. Part not onto others who's faith is false and weak. Come upon the children whom enlightenment is what they seek."

"Pass around the circle the sacred vessel of old. And add the water of life as written in the words of old. Give it back my brothers, to the one true son of his. Then watch in wonder my family as the joining has now begun!"

Dark blessings to all who have found the road here to the realm of the dark Gods! My name is Andreas and I am high priest and guardian of the temple. Know this, for far too long the dark Gods and Goddesses have been ignored due to the ignorance of those who do not fully understand the nature of true spiritualism and magick. One must always strive for balance in order to have complete oneness with his or her self and nature. For is not nature both light and dark?

It is my intent to create a sanctuary and a place of learning for all those who seek that perfect balance; here in the temple of the dark Gods. I welcome all those who have something useful and enlightening to say. If you wish to help me build a strong and safe place, please feel free to e-mail me your input and/or ideas at the address below*. My brother and I would be most grateful!

Now, from the wild to the whimsical; tour the misunderstood world of the great God Pan by clicking on the seated satyr below. And to find your way through the Temple's halls, follow the pathways at the bottom of this page.



Click on the nocturnal lady for free e-cards with a magickal touch:

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The Future Of This Site:


Tome Of Darkness (book of shadows)
