ID#: ep034f
Clan of Eorl's Pride
Turquoise Female, mauve eyes
Shaggy Coat, Double Horns, Plume Tail
Good Elemental
Stage: 1.1
Additions: Element of Good
Life Points: 120
Strength: 30
Speed: 30
Intelligence: 40
Cunning: 35
Defense: 45
Growl -- lowers opponent's Defense by 10% of original value each time used
Nip -- 30 Damage
Good Attacks:
Righteous Swat -- 40 Damage
Resold: 05/03/05
Previous Owner: Tiagra
Redrawn: 01/25/03 by Indy
Notes: Air'ay has developed Good coloration, a plume tail, and Double Horns. Air'ay's newly developed Double Horns allow her to learn a 65 damage Gouge attack, should you find/buy the attack.
Stat Awards 05/01/03 - +10 Life Points, +5 to Strength & +5 to Intelligence
Stat Awards 02/22/03 - +10 Life Points, +5 to Strength, +5 to Intelligence & +5 to Defense
Battle Record
January 26/2003 - vs. Rhys - lost in 7 turns
February 3/2003 - vs. Eiethe - lost in 6 turns
February 14/2003 - vs. Caria - won in 8 turns
February 23/2003 - vs. Frist - lost in 8 turns
March 13/2003 - vs. Aldwen - won in 8 turns
April 17/2003 - vs. Trixie - lost in 5 turns
May 1/2003 - vs. Mako - lost in 5 turns
Cumulative Battle Record: 2-5-0
Cumulative RPP: 44
Stage 1.0
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