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Moves to Solve the Rubik’s Cube


By Chase Kimball and Matthew Campbell


Top Moves

1. Corner Move

  1. Place the corner in the bottom right hand corner of the front face underneath where it is supposed to go
  2. turn the back face counterclockwise
  3. turn the right column up away from you
  4. turn the back face clockwise


2. Corner on bottom face to bottom row

  1. place the corner color on the bottom face under a corner on the top face that has the wrong color
  1. orient the cube so that this piece is in the lower right front position (When you twist the front face this color will move)
  1. front face clockwise
  2. bottom row left
  3. front face counterclockwise
  4. bottom row 180* right


3. Two edge pieces across from one another switch (When correct color is on top face for both pieces)

  1. orient the cube so that one cube is on the front face and the other is on the back face
  2. middle column down towards you
  3. bottom row right
  4. middle column 180* up away from you
  5. bottom row right
  6. middle column 180* down towards you
  7. bottom row right
  8. middle column up away from you


4. Bottom face to Top face switch

  1. flanking sides up away from you
  2. front face 180*
  3. flanking sides down towards you


5. bottom row to top face switch

  1. front face clockwise
  2. middle row right
  3. front face counterclockwise


6. middle row-right face to top face switch

  1. middle row right
  2. front face clockwise
  3. middle row left
  4. front face counterclockwise


7. front face-middle row to top face switch

  1. middle row right
  2. front face counterclockwise
  3. middle row 180* left
  4. front face clockwise


8. side piece on top layer in wrong orientation

  1. front face clockwise
  2. middle row once right
  3. front face 180* counterclockwise
  4. middle row 180* left
  5. front face clockwise


Middle Moves

1. Middle Swap (do this only if a piece is in the right spot but not in the right orientation, and do it before the other middle move)

  1. turn the cube so that the disoriented piece is in the right or left column of the front face
  2. front face 180*
  3. middle row right
  4. front face 180*
  5. middle row left


2. Ghetto Move

  1. front face 180*
  2. middle row 180*
  3. front face 180*
  4. middle row 180*


3. T-Move!!!!!

  1. align piece on bottom row under the center square on it’s same colored face.  The three top pieces, the center square, and this piece should be the same color and form a T.  This is the front side (face).  The color that is on the same piece is on the bottom face of the cube.  The side (face) to which this piece is going to move is the colored side. 
  2. bottom row away from the colored side
  3. colored side down towards the front face
  4. bottom row into colored side
  5. colored side up away from front face
  6. bottom row into colored side
  7. front face (clockwise or counterclockwise, depending) toward colored side
  8. bottom row back away from colored side
  9. front face up away from colored side


To Get A Bottom Cross

1. Slant Move #1 (to get a right slant)

  1. Middle column down towards you
  2. bottom row right
  3. middle column up
  4. bottom row right
  5. middle column down
  6. bottom row right
  7. middle column up
  8. bottom row right
  9. middle column down
  10. bottom row right
  11. middle column up
  12. turn bottom row left instead of right to get a left slant


2. Slant Move #2

  1. view the bottom of the cube.  Turn it so that the two colors that you want to be the bottom color to form the slant are in the bottom row-middle column and middle row-right column positions
  2. turn the cube towards you once so the bottom is now on the bottom again. 
  3. middle column down towards you
  4. bottom row right
  5. middle column up
  6. bottom row 180*
  7. middle column down
  8. bottom row right
  9. middle column up

3. Line Move  (only works with a line on the bottom)

  1. orient the cube so the line on the bottom is pointing towards you
  2. turn middle column down towards you (this will move the entire line away from you so it points at the ground)
  3. bottom row right
  4. middle column up
  5. bottom row right
  6. middle column down
  7. bottom row left
  8. middle column up
  9. bottom row right
  10. middle column down
  11. bottom row right
  12. middle column up



Bottom Moves

1. Corner Swap move.  (do this to swap the front two bottom corners) (be careful… orientation will change! 

  1. right column down towards you
  2. bottom row left
  3. right column up away from you
  4. front face clockwise
  5. bottom row right
  6. front face counter clockwise
  7. right column down towards you
  8. bottom row right
  9. right column up away from you


2. Fish move

  1. to find the origin side, take the color on the bottom and push the representatives in the bottom corners to rotate the cube until the 3rd one.  The column that this is on is the origin column
  2. origin column down towards you
  3. bottom row away from origin column
  4. origin column up
  5. bottom row away from origin column
  6. origin column down
  7. bottom row 180* away from origin column (say, “away away”)
  8. origin column up


3. Anti-fish move (to learn where to use this, just do the fish move on a solved cube and study it)

  1. hold cube such that the second representative of the bottom color is on the bottom left of the front face.
  2. right column down towards you
  3. bottom 180
  4. right column up away from you
  5. bottom into the right column
  6. right column down towards you
  7. bottom into the right column
  8. right column up away from you


4. Bridge move (bridges are found on sides; they can be two 3’s over two 2’s or a solid side)

  1. orient bridge so it is on the left side (face) of the cube.  The left column of the front face of the cube is called the bridge column
  2. bridge column down towards you
  3. bottom row left (into bridge column)
  4. right column down
  5. bottom row right (into right column)
  6. bridge column up
  7. bottom row right (into bridge column)
  8. right column up


5. Campbell Move  (still in experimentation… check on a solved cube… but I know this move is a winner)

  1. left and right columns down
  2. bottom row right
  3. left column up
  4. bottom left
  5. right column up
  6. bottom right
  7. left column down
  8. bottom left
  9. left column up


6. Anti-Campbell Move (still in experimentation… check on a solved cube… but I know this move is a winner)

  1. left column down
  2. bottom right
  3. left column up
  4. bottom left
  5. right column down
  6. bottom right
  7. left column down
  8. bottom left
  9. left and right columns up


7. Random patterns and notes to know…

  1. Double Diamond on bottom
    1. Hold the cube so that the representatives of the bottom color are in the bottom left (or bottom right) square of the front face and the bottom right (or bottom left) square of the right face. 
    2. Do a fish move; the origin column is the right column (or left column) on the front face
  2. Cross on bottom with fish eyes
    1. Do a bridge on the side without a representative of the bottom color (between the fish eyes)
  3. Cross on bottom without fish eyes
    1. Still working on this one…
  4. two 3’s and a 1 in middle on bottom strait eyes (when the 1 on the bottom is pointing towards you)
    1. an anti-fish move using the origin column as one of the strait eyes
  5. two 3’s and a 1 in middle on bottom fish eyes (when the 1 on the bottom is pointing towards you)
    1. do a bridge move choosing one of the columns of the front face to be a bridge column
  6. Solid color on bottom
    1. Bridge or fish randomly
  7. bottom 2x2 square
    1. do slant move #1 or #2
  8. two 3’s above a 1 in bottom corner on a side
    1. do a bridge or a fish starting with the column with the 1 in it
  9. two 3’s above a connected 2 in the bottom row of a side
    1. do a bridge or a fish starting with the column with the odd color in it


Solving Moves

1. 3 bridges and a solid side move (version #1)

  1. turn solid side away from you
  2. fish towards the color of the bridge on the side that is the same as the color under the bridge facing you
  3. do the fish move one more time after this for the finesh!


2. 3 bridges and a solid side move (version #2)

  1. position the cube with the solid side on either the left or the right side such that the color under the bridge facing you is the same as the color of the bridge on the back face.  If the…
    1. Solid side is on the left

                                                               i.      bottom row 180*

                                                             ii.      middle column down towards you

                                                            iii.      bottom row right

                                                           iv.      middle column up

                                                             v.      bottom row right

                                                           vi.      middle column down

                                                          vii.      bottom row 180*

                                                        viii.      middle column up

                                                           ix.      bottom row right

                                                             x.      middle column down

                                                           xi.      bottom row right

                                                          xii.      middle column up

    1. Solid side is on the right

                                                               i.      bottom row 180*

                                                             ii.      middle column down towards you

                                                            iii.      bottom row left

                                                           iv.      middle column up

                                                             v.      bottom row left

                                                           vi.      middle column down

                                                          vii.      bottom row 180*

                                                        viii.      middle column up

                                                           ix.      bottom row left

                                                             x.      middle column down

                                                           xi.      bottom row left

                                                          xii.      middle column up


3.   3 bridges and a solid side move (version #3)       

1.      look at 3 bridges… the color under the bridge must move right or left to be in the correct place; take note of this. 

2.      position cube such that solid side is towards you and the three bridges are on the back, left, and right faces. 

3.      turn back face 180 degrees. 

4.      rotate bottom row right or left once depending on step one. 

5.      move flanking sides down towards you. 

6.      turn back face 180 degrees. 

7.      move flanking sides up away from you. 

8.      rotate bottom row right or left once depending on step one. 

9.      turn back face 180 degrees. 


4.  4 bridge kitty-corner move (color under front bridge is color over bridge left of it, and vice versa)

  1. hold cube so that a pair of colors is on the left/front side
  2. bottom row right
  3. right column up away from you
  4. left column up away from you
  5. front face 180*
  6. right column down 180* towards you
  7. left column down 180* towards you
  8. back face 180*
  9. right column up away from you
  10. left column up away from you
  11. bottom row right
  12. middle column 180*
  13. bottom row right
  14. middle column 180*
  15. bottom row right


5.  4 bridges across move (version #1) (color under front bridge is color of bridge opposite it, and vice versa)

  1. bottom row right
  2. middle column 180* up towards you
  3. bottom row 180*
  4. middle column 180* up away from you
  5. bottom row right
  6. rotate entire cube once up away from you, so that what once was the front face is now the top face, and what once was the bottom face is now the front face)
  7. right column up away from you
  8. left column up away from you
  9. front face 180*
  10. right column 180* down towards you
  11. left column 180* down towards you
  12. back face 180*
  13. right column up away from you
  14. left column up away from you


6. 4 bridges across move (version #2) (color under front bridge is color of bridge opposite it, and vice versa)

  1. middle column down towards you
  2. bottom right
  3. middle column up away from you
  4. bottom 180*
  5. middle column down towards you
  6. bottom right
  7. middle column up away from you
  8. turn entire cube to the left so that the former right side is now the front side (this will be a solid face)
  9. repeat steps 1-7


7. Mark Move

1.      hold cube so that there is a solid side on the right and the bottom right corner of the front face is in the right spot and the bottom left and bottom middle pieces on the back face are in the right spot

  1. do a bridge move starting on the right column on the front face. 
  2. immediately do a fish move on the same column after completion of the bridge move.  



Any more info? 

Email with the heading RUBIK’S INFO so that it will get through my spam filter.  Thanks!


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