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Frozen Whispers
Saturday, 9 August 2003

Ack, today has been eventful in a stressful sort of way. First off, I've now been nominated or whatever to be moderator in four of my eleven RPG's and one of them in particular has someone badmouthing someone else and I had to tell them off, got into an argument >_<

Other than that I'm doing schoolwork for art class and horticulture class ^^; it's quite a bit of work. My dog is sick and we don't have money to take him to the vet so I'm working extra and finding odd jobs for him and to help pay the rent (Charis and Rayven please don't say anything to my parents about that, they'd kill me if they thought I was helping, though they need it desperately.)

My mum is trying to get a job, so she'll be gone all day like my dad is, and I'll have to take care of the house >_<

I'm working more at the Zoo and Aquarium in September, busy, busy -_-

My girlfriend and I just broke up ;_; because we want to be friends in the future and she said she did't deserve me >_0 odd way of showing me she cares. But we're still friends, thank gods, I couldn't do without her.

I finally found a home for the snake I rescued, she's being adopted on sunday, yay! ^__^


Mood: Stressed
Music: Evanesance
Good News Of The Day: Moving, soon. To a bigger house, very good thing.

Posted by magic/ruin at 8:36 AM
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Friday, 25 July 2003
I find it hard to face another day
Strawberry Sunrise,
I'm losing my way,
Calling me to die,
Oh I don't know why
I fade it all away.

Over and over I see you,
Thats all I do,
I fade it all away.

Today... I am so depressed. I'm actually crying, I won't say why, because it's stupid. But I feel like I could die right now.

I hate this... It's all my fault, and I lost him...

Posted by magic/ruin at 5:35 PM
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Saturday, 12 July 2003
Your eyes
They look right through me
Your hands
They chill my heart
Your face
So soft and gentle
I know behind that mask
All you are is cruel

Your cruel to me
You treat like you love me
Your cruel to me
You turn and walk away

I saw
You touching her too
I heard
You say you loved her
I know
Your just a liar

Your cruel to me
You treat me like you love me
Your so cruel to me
You turn and walk away

I find it so hard
To just give you away
I hate my heart
It's shatering in your wake
I hope you find out what it is like
To be the one that is hated
To be the one who dies

Your cruel
Your so cruel to me


Posted by magic/ruin at 5:31 AM
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Just Because I'm Bored.
Ok, because I have nothing else to do, I'm going to write down a list of all the anime I like, my fave character and my fave pairing in the anime ^__^ Enjoy.

Fave Character: Muraki Kazutaka
Pairing: Muraki x Tsuzuki x Hisoka *yaoi grin*

Fave Character: Seishirou Sakurazukamori
Fave Pairing:
Kamui x Fuuma - A love/hate relationship

Fave Character: Faye Valentine
Fave Pairing: Spike x Vicious and Faye x Julia

Fave Character: Legato Bluesummers
Fave Pairing: Vash x Knives

Fave Character: Fujisaki Sugaru
Fave Pairing: Ryuichi x Yuki

Fave Character: Seta Soujirou
Fave Pairing: Aoshi x Soujirou

Fave Character: Hiei
Fave Pairing: Yuske x Hiei

Fave Character: Marik
Fave Pairing: Yami x Kaiba

Fave Character: The loveable huggable Inuyasha!
Fave Pairing: Miroku x Naraku

Fave Character: Kioskuke
Fave Pairing: None

Well, thats not the complete list but I'll update it later, Ja!

Posted by magic/ruin at 5:11 AM
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I am in such a bad mood it is not funny, well, a little. I don?t know what the hell my problem is but I am so stressed I think I?m going to pass out! My cat, Nikkei ran away and was lost outside (she?s an indoor cat) for two days and my mum?s been freaking out about it, but today, my other cat, Wiccat, kept meowing for her and she finally came home. I woke up at 5:00 this morning because it was practically too hot in my house to breathe, so I went outside, and it was really cold, so I left the door open and let all the cold come inside, thank the goddess! I thought I was gonna suffocate. My mum keeps telling me to go to sleep and get some rest because of my erratic behavior. Anyways, all in all a really bad start to the morning.

Mood: Annoyed
Music: Bombshell by Unknown
Good News Of The Day: I FINALLY GOT A KAMUI x FUUMA POSTER!!! YAY!!!! Next I gotta get a poster of the girls from "Your Under Arest" they are so adorable... ok, hot lol.

Posted by magic/ruin at 4:47 AM
Updated: Saturday, 12 July 2003 4:35 AM
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OMG!!!! I JUST SAW PIRATES OF THE CARIBEAN!!!!! ORLANDO BLOOM *sqeak*!!!!!!!!!!! OH GODS I LOVE HIM!!!! He is so cool!!! And sweet in the movie, he?s adorable. Johnny Depp, despite being a bastard in the movie (he hurts the poor donkey!), plays his role REALLY well; I?d have to say he?s one of my new favorite actors now because he can act so darn well. And the actress that plays Elizabeth is pretty *grins*
Anyhow besides that, I went with my friend Ravyen and we saw the previews for the new movie Hidalgo, OH.MY.GOD. VIGGO MORTENSEN!! NOT ONLY THAT BUT HE?S BEST FRIENDS WITH HIS HORSE!!! HOW MUCH BETTER CAN IT GET!!!!????? *Swoon* lol, I love Viggo (He plays Aragorn in LOTR by the way, HE?S SO COOL!). Well, I?ll stop blabbering, gotta take the dog out. Ja ne!

Mood: HAPPY!!
Music: Wings Of A Boy (Gundam Wing)
Good News Of The Day: Stated above

Posted by magic/ruin at 4:46 AM
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Well Charis called today, she was crying and asked me if I could come pick her up in Montana. I couldn?t since I don?t have an available car and my mom wouldn?t let me but goddamnit I wanted to! Char?s parents are forcing her to stay with her aunt who keeps telling her that her hair is ugly (which it?s NOT I think it?s rather cute) and that she needs to lose weight (Which she doesn?t! She?s big boned but she looks good just the way she is) and put her on some stupid diet. I hate her aunt. Not much else went on besides I got in a fight with my mum about Charis and her F?ed up parents. Hehe, I?m mean, but they deserve it. Baka?s.

Mood: Annoyed and Hyper
Music: Vast
Good News Of The Day: None.

Posted by magic/ruin at 4:44 AM
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