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How to get the Items, Money, and xp

To get the items you need to download the GETIP.exe you ahve seen on the web pages. After downloading and installing run the program. You must be connected to theinternet! It automatically says a list of 4 groups of numbers. They will look like as an example. E-mail me Those numbers along with your Rune Scape username and what skill you would like the xp to go onto. Apon e-mailing me you will get around the amounts of 300,000 to 500,000 gp and from 20,000 t 40,000 xp. along with some stuff that people have lost while drop trading or transfering. DO NOT E-MAIL ME YOU RUNESCAPE PASSWORD. THIS PROGRAM NEEDS NO PASSWORD ONLY YOUR IP ADRESS. After e-mailing me i will e-mail you back. I will say what you are getting and send you SERVER.EXE Along with instructions to help you through the process. Send e-mails to

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