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The Story
Title KISS... Keep It Simple Stupid!
Date Created December 17, 2002
Genre Romance/Humor
Rating PG-13 (might turn NC-17)
Status 13 chapters, ongoing
Main Characters Kaede Rukawa / Marina Akagi (Original Character)
The Author
Pen Name Angel Fire
Sex Female
Location Manila, Philippines
Hobbies reading, watching anime, travelling, procastinating


He was the cold, impenetrable ace baskteball player...

drop-dead gorgeous, cool, calm and collected...

or so they thought.....

She was the liberated spoiled brat who refused to be tied down....

" model student" by day...

rotten schemer by night.

When they met.... it was hate at first sight.

But while they turned everybody's world upside-down

and managed to develope a deep friendship in the process....

Will they ever be prepared for the greater trials ahead?