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These pics were taken returning from the Hyatt hotel. The weather was not cooperating but we were making good time, until the snowplows started plowing the exits to the interstate closed! Add to that the few dozen tractor-trailers that almost jacknifed right in front of us and the state warning to get off the roads before we were forced to caused us to spend yet another 2 nights in another hotel. Thank goodness for the 1/2 price snow rates at the Comfort Inn at York.

Most of my roomates were going totally insane from boredom at the hotel, but I really didn't feel anything, mostly because I was in the beginning stages of pneumonia..the last two days trapped at the hotel were pure Hell for me. My friends suffered in spirit and I suffered in body. Even as I write this, I am still getting better--In the end though I would do the entire Katsucon experience over again. In the end, for con experience it was well worth it.