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<title>My spooky experience</title>

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      <p align="center"><font size="7" face="Georgia">My spooky experience!</font></td>
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      <p align="center"><font face="Arial"><u>With a ouija board</u></font></p>
      <p align="center"><font face="Arial">Well just this weekend, while watching the football we 
      decided to try out the ouija board. we had done this many times and 
      nothing interesting happened. this time however it was zooming all over 
      the board telling us answers to our questions right away! the spookiest 
      bit was when we asked it to give our birthdays and it did! in order from 
      the oldest to the youngest! it was amazing! I asked it questions about my 
      future and I wont post what it said but it will be interesting to see if 
      it all comes true! </font> </p>
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      <p align="center"><font face="Arial"><u>My house</u></font></p>
      <p align="center"><font face="Arial">I really think my house is haunted. not to badly or 
      anything and I think you need to know what to look for but seeing as im 
      home alone a lot iv noticed some things. like objects go missing and turn 
      up right where you left them. The worst bit for me is the footsteps. if im 
      downstairs or outside I can hear footstep from upstairs. I have looked for 
      people who aren't there soooo many times! id love to have a ouija 
      experience in my house! that would be mad!</font><p align="center">
      <font face="Arial">iv just learnt that im not the only one in this house 
      who has heard things!! on Christmas day, my 2 bros and sis were upstairs 
      waiting for me and dad to get up so they could open presents. they were 
      talking when they heard someone downstairs walking around and talking. 
      thinking it was me or dad they came down only to find no-one there!</font></td>
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      <p align="center"><font face="Arial"><u>spooky's house</u></font></p>
      <p align="center"><font face="Arial">This might be really stupid and most likely not to be 
      anything but one night some of my friends and I were going for a cruse 
      when the guys suggested we visit &quot;spooky's&quot;. they led us to a old street 
      that ran next to a creek so it was really foggy and scary. then after 
      15min we came to the end of the road and there was a house , just a boring 
      ordinary house. but the boys were being very quite. I still don't know 
      what they were thinking that night. the next day we went back to the spot 
      to see if we were looking at the wrong &quot;spooky&quot; thing, but when we got 
      there we found the house was burned down and only the frame of the 
      building still standing.</font></td>
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