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Guest Art

Image Contents-Older to Newer in each color:

Image Content:

Why S.O.D.A.?
Well SODA stands for Stars Of Dreamers Are Ageless. Well you may be thinking what does that mean. Here's your answer: every person has something about them like an essance and just for the fun of it call it a Star (that takes care of the star in the title). Now when we leave this Earth sometimes people were so wonderful that their "stars" remain even after they are gone. Those special people were and are the Dreamers of the world. So that takes care of the title hope you agree with us. :)
Why the layout?
Besides both of the two being really cute, we couldn't decide on which was better, so we decided to use both of them! I really like it and I hope you do too! This is the layout this question is for.
Why the layout? (Freddy Version)
Well, let me see. Well i grew up with him as a super villain so I've always wanted to do a layout with him as the center focus so here it is! Plus if you don't like Freddy then please don't send anything my way you won't get a nice reply from Wendy if you do. Keep your comments to yourself. Thank You.


Bubble Rider is (c) Amy Brown. No infringement was meant. It was simply a request that was done for a friend. All art is done by either Wendy or Vanessa. All images have their rightful credits on them. Please do not steal any images and if you wish to borrow something for some reason, please contact Vanessa and we'll discuss it. Any art submitted to us by others is copyright them and both their and our property.