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Image Contents-Older to Newer in each color:

Image Content:

Human Estrella-This was originally the human version of Estrella we had planned to use for DOTR. But we liked her better as a cat. By Nessa This is a wallpaper I made with a Sailor Scout made by a different person. As of right now I forgot their name but I will find it soon. By Nessa One day I got really mad at my brother so I decided to make this wallpaper. It means that my home is my haven from the world but it's my hell because of him. I'm not usually this dark... By Nessa Little Blue-Really no idea how this came about I was really bored one day with a huge headache!! Oh well. By Nessa Little Blue-Same as before but with a different bg. I was really bored! By Nessa Happy Go Lucky-A MKR image. I just like how the image looked and really have no idea what this series is about. he he I guess I need to broden my horizons. By Nessa Fire Faerie Pet Background
Dark Faerie Pet Background
Air Faerie Pet Background
Negg Faerie Pet Background
These images were taken from, the wallpapers were made by Vanessa.


"Little Blue" image taken from Anime Visions Same image for both.
All art is done by either Wendy or Vanessa. All images have their rightful credits on them. Please do not steal any images and if you wish to borrow something for some reason, please contact Vanessa and we'll discuss it. Any art submitted to us by others is copyright them and both their and our property.