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This here is the Fan Fiction section (you'll most likely be seeing a majority of my fics -I love to write- on here) But for now I have no Fics, but if you'd like to submit one or more.... Fell free to email the story to me. I won't have many restrictions on what kind of stories you may submit except the following:
  • If you are going to have sexual scenes in your story please don't be too crude. If you send me a story with content I find too crude I will edit it and/or email you with the edited version. OR I just won't post it. Got it?
  • And this last one isn't a must, but I'd appriciate it if you watched your spelling and grammar in your story. I only ask this because they (spelling errors especially, and poor punctuation) drive me crazy!!!!! But keep in mind I won't neglect your story if it's poorly punctuated or has spelling errors. This rule is only a minor suggestion. (And come on people, it only takes 2 minutes to run your story through SpellCheck)

So, besides these regulations, I will except every story and anyone can submit. I will (in case of language and sexual scenes) rate the stories and have warnings. Is this a deal? Great.

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