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The Home Tower | My 18th B-Day Party

For my 18th birthday, I invited people over to my house for pizza and movies

Smilin' Andy

Brandon & Joel

Andy & Brandon Dancin' Away

Brandon & Nikki J.

Even though there isn't much room at my house, we packed everyone in!

Rachel, Andy, Brandon, Joel, Mandi, Drea, Brandon, & Nikki J.

Watchin' Movies

My guess would be they're having a pillow fight of some kind...

Mandi doin' something funky with her legs

Jake showing off his pillow balancing abilities

I'm not sure what he's doin'...

Mandi & Brandon

Rachel hides while Andy laughs

Wrestling with a pillow

Mandi dances while Drea looks on

Close-up of Mike

Nikki J. & Brandon

Rachel trying to scare away my carmera

My Lilo & Stitch b-day cake!

This is the cake my dad bought me...Harry Potter Rocks!

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Last Updated: 19th Of July, 2003
You're Listening To: Between Angels And Insects