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Name: Ashton Greyson
Nicknames: Ash
Age: 25
Birthday: June 7, 1981
Height: 5 ft. 8 in.
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Blue
Father: Walker Grey
Mother: Genna Wolfson
Siblings: Wolf, Rose, Asia, Sean
Birth years: 1977, 1979, 1983, 1985
Significant other: Lauren McKenzie of the 10th Kingdom
Their song: "You're Where I Belong"
Fave colors: Earthy colors, reds, purples and blues
Fave food: Meat, very rare
Fave drink: Warm milk.
Loves: Lauren, adventure, food, nature
Hates: Farmers
Lives: 4 room cabin in the forests of the Fourth Kingdom

Ashton is the third of six children. He is also the shortest sibling. Both his parents were killed when he was only five. He is a wolfie. Wolfies are half wolf, half human. They are generally very charming and kind. The only time you really have to be cautious of them is during their monthly cycle. The full moon.

This is Ashton. This picture was taken just as his eyes were flashing a brilliant orange / gold.

Ashton as a pup.