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Sims 2--"Farmer Wants a Wife" Challenge

Season 2: Veronaville


(See Part One for rules and explanations.)


Vanilla's three lightning bolts now finally allow her to take the lead--as does Terrence's crush on her! Blueberry with her two bolts and bronze gardening badge comes in second, despite her lower number of cooking points. Chocolate is still hanging in there, with her 100 relationship points, 5 cooking skill points and bronze gardening badge, but it's bad news for Peach whose five cooking skill points are not enough to counteract the lower relationship she has with the farmer. DENIED!

And as Peach sadly looks up a new place to live on the brand-new computer we just installed (because SOMEbody composted the newspaper early) the others race upstairs to gather around...

...but when she actually leaves, only Terrence pays any attention. Way to be loyal friends, guys!


The activities for "today" are to study cleaning, then go out on a group date somewhere they can eat. Since we're running so far behind schedule anyway, I decided to mix things up and do the date first. Here they are downtown at Red's Diner, and hey, look who walked by! It's the evil Duke Zular, from my old, OLD fantasy stories. No, he's not a vampire, but yes, ladies, he IS available. :P

And it's the First Doctor! I wish I had done his face better, though. Ah well.

The Group Outing. Terrence attempts to get them all seated (key word: attempts) while Regina Tsvirkunov and Katelyn Fuchs look on, Vanilla SWOONS over Terrence as usual, Chocolate freaks out over the condiments ("Oh my god! It's...MUSTARD!") and Blueberry, of course, heads straight for the pinball machine.

While Chocolate pours over the dessert menu, Mint considers "dessert" of a...DIFFERENT sort. Oh-ho. The Criminal Mastermindess and the evil Duke, eh? Hmmm...weeelll...if you lose the contest I do believe that can be arranged...(cracks knuckles)
Meanwhile, Vanilla apparently keeps her gloves on even while eating fast food. Who wears gloves while eating a hamburger?

CHOCOLATE: Random Leisure-Suit Townie is HOTT!

TERRENCE: You're right, he IS hot!
(cracks up) WHATthe...? Terrence, dear, you've never so much as Checked Out a single male Sim in your life. Seriously.

DO THE SMUSTLE! Do do do, do do do do do do, do do do do do do do do do...
You knew it had to happen sometime. Originally I told Mint to do this 'cos it was one of the few things that would cheer her up, then Blueberry joined in.

Ah, the infamous Mrs. Crumplebottom has arrived. Nobody's doing any hanky-panky over here, honest!
What gets me is how the hostess is looking at her suspiciously...and One over there is doing it too! Seriously, look at his face. It's like "I'M onto you. Oh yeah. Don't you try anything."
(Either that or he's thinking "I should like a scarf like that. Only much longer, of course. And with more colours...")

And then, of course, Terrence decides to COMPLETELY IGNORE all the gorgeous womenflesh in there who want his go outside and have a water balloon fight with some random townie. Um...ring ring?

HEY FIVEY! Are we gonna have a rip in the fabric of space-time in Red's? Woot!
(In case you're wondering I don't have all the Doctors living in Veronaville. Just some of them.)
Turns out by the time I noticed he was there, he was just leaving--so he didn't get to interact with anybody. You know me, I'd've taken pictures of it if it happened.

Okay, so, granted, she's a pretty damn gorgeous Random Townie. Still.
(And a natural redhead...hmm. Remind me to breed you into one of my legacies someday. (takes notes))
Her name is Katelynn Fuchs, by the way. I always try to find out their names if I can.

And it's sleepybye time again...notice that some of the beds are empty now.

But Vanilla, who is OBSESSED beyond reason, still decides she must go out and garden at 1:30 in the morning! Seriously, woman...

Then everybody wakes up early to garden in their PJs...except the ones who were already awake anyway. Ya annoying as it was to play, I wouldn't get rid of the greenhouse (entirely) for anything. The shots in here are always so pretty and...peaceful, somehow.

Then at (an appropriately early, considering this is a farm) breakfast, of course Blueberry has to bring up everybody's favourite subject: LIPS!

Again, I just thought this shot was pretty.

At the end of the day studying cleaning (which I didn't take a picture of 'cos it looked just like them studying cooking). Look how low Vanilla's stats are, and yet she's still studying. LOOK at them. DAMN, woman. GO. TO BED!

Then Mint decides to get down with her bad self...

and eat three-day-old chili for breakfast. Eewww...
(in a hushed voice, at warp speed) NOTE: The sponsors of this reality show take no responsibility for incidents that may result from causes including, but not restricted to: Fire, lightning, freezing, overheating, food poisoning, drowning, werewolf or vampire bite, exposure to mutagenic insecticide, or alien experimentation.
In other words, if you off yourself by eating that, Mint, it's your own lookout.
Meanwhile, for Blueberry, cooking omelettes in her underwear? ASPIRATION! :P

Awww, they're best friends...(You may notice Mint still seems to be with us, after eating that chili. Risking food poisoning on TOP of starvation seemed deadly, but...)

And that's it for Day Four! Who will be the next to go? TUNE IN NEXT TIME for chess, silliness, nightclubbing animals and...ROMANCE!
Until seeing you!