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Welcome to the Book of Shadows

Here you will find pages and pages filled with Wiccan Information.

Take your time for there is a lot to cover within these pages.

Morrigan Book Blessing

I. Wiccan History

II. Wiccan Beliefs

     A. Wiccan Rede

     B. Rule of Three

     C. 13 Goals of a Witch

     D. The Law

     E. The Law of the Power

     F. Witch's Creed

III. Wiccan Traditions

IV. Goddesses

V.  Gods

VI. Magickal Jargon

VII. Magickal Tools

VIII. Sabbats

    A. Samhain

    B. Yule

    C. Imbolc

    D. Ostara

    E. Beltane

    F. Summer Solstice

    G. Lughnassad

    H. Mabon

IX. Esbats

X. Spirit Animals

XI. Kinds of Magick

XII. Color Magick

XIII. Astrological Influence

     A. Zodiac

XIV. Pagan Symbols

XV. Candle Magick

XVI. Chakras

XVII. Auras

XVIII. Past Lives

XIX. Karma

XX. Birth Totems

XXI. Totem Animals

XXII. Spirit Totem

XXIII. Oil and incense recipes

XXIV. Witches Symbol

XXV. Celtic Tradition

XXVI. Egyptian Tradition

XXVII. Handfasting


XXVIV. Runes




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