Welcome to Chrian Hawk's Boudoir.
Here you will find information on Bedroom Magick.
When a person is exhausted or ill the one place they go to is the bedroom. The bedroom should be a quiet peaceful comforting place.
Here are where a lot of life's big events occur.
This should be s special place. Free from TV's, Computers, and other distractions.
Position bed so the headboard is to the North
Hang a round mirror near the bed to remind you of a full moon or a calm lake
Place a dream catcher in the room to collect all bad dreams
Place a crystal in a corner to ward off bad vibrations
Focus on oneself. Collect thoughts and feelings.
Planet: Moon
Goddess: Oshun
Bath: Clear, No oils
Candle: White
Incense: Your Choice
High Energy
Planet: Mars
Goddess: Isis
Candle: Red
Bath: Red
Incense: Your choice
Express Yourself to Lover
Planet: Mercury
Goddess: Hygeia
Candle: Yellow, Turquoise
Bath: Lemon Balm
Incense: Lemon
Day to organize
Planet/God: Thor
Goddess: Nut
Candle: Green
Bath: Green
Incense: Anything green
Time for a Nap
Friday: Freya
Goddess: Aphrodite
Candle: White
Bath: Pink
Incense: Sandalwood
Excitement and Entertainment
Planet: Saturn
Goddess: Trivia
Candle: Purple
Bath: Purple
Incense: Musk
Rejuvenate and prepare
Planet: Sun
Goddess: Artemis
Candle: Different color depending on needs
Bath: Orange
Incense: Same as candle
Based off the art of