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Coven Vs. Solitaire


The decision to remain a solitaire or seek out a coven is a very difficult and emotional choice.  If you live in an area where there are no covens or ways of finding if any exist you may be forced to remain a solitaire.  You must research and visit some of the covens that you are interested in and see if they are taking new members, and if they have an open ritual so you may attend and witness how the coven works.  This is not a decision to be made lightly. Research as to the tradition of the coven is and if you are uncomfortable with any aspect of the Coven you have chosen.  If they try to get you to join ant first glance or require you to perform sexual favors then this is not a coven that is for you.  They are not interested in honoring deity only sexually satisfying themselves.

Pros and Cons of Coven life:

        The Pros:  Within the coven you will have access to a lot of support and information that you may not have as a solitaire.  There is camaraderie and structure as well.  You can work up to a higher degree within the coven and obtain the rank of High Priestess or Priest.  The teaching of the coven is usually handed down through lineage which may be important to you.

        The Cons:  If you are not one who likes and tolerates structure then a coven is not right for you.  The coven makes decisions about times to meet that may or may not fit into your schedule.  You are expected to attend every meeting.  Many covens have a set dress or undress code that you may or may not agree with.  You will be judged by the other members of the coven.  You may be ousted if you break the laws of the coven.  If you leave the coven and a tradition and go to another one then you may have to start over in your training which may be a little frustrating.  You may not be comfortable with everyone in the coven and the experience will turn you off to the members and that coven and cause riffs within the group..


Pros and Cons of Solitaire Life:

        The Pros: You can learn at your own pace.  No need to worry about earning degrees.  Can follow your own schedule and timetable.  You can wear whatever you want during ritual.  They can keep company with whomever they chose and are not forced to keep company with certain people.  You can take on students when you are ready.  You design your own rituals. 

        The Cons: You are truly on your won.  You will not have easy access to help and guidance from others more experienced then you.  You will have to go out and seek the companionship of other witches.  Many witches harbor prejudice against solitaires and will not recognize your accomplishments.  No lineage to look back upon for help.