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Herb Magickal Purpose Medicinal Purpose
Acacia Protection, Psychic Enhancement Respiratory, throat, eyewash, diarrhea
Adam and Eve Root Love, Happiness Bronchial Illness
Adder's Tongue Spirituality, Protection, Healing Ulcers, Skin Problems
African Violet Spirituality, Protection  
Agaric Fertility  
Agrimony Protection, Sleep Staunch Bleeding, Aides in clotting, Diarrhea, appendicitis, indigestion, laryngitis
Aque Root Protection  
Alfalfa Prosperity, anti-hunger, money Liver, colon, anemia, diabetes, ulcers, arthritis
Alkanet Purification, prosperity  
Allspice Money, luck, Healing Indigestion, rheumatism
Almond Money, Prosperity, Wisdom Sedative, cough
Aloe Protection, Luck Digestive Tract
Althea Protection, Psychic Powers  
Alyssum Protection, Anger  
Amaranth Healing, Protection, invisibility Diarrhea, nose bleeds, gargle
Anemone Health, Protection, healing  
Angelica Exorcism, Protection, Healing,, Visions Flatulence, Cough, Bronchitis
Anise Protection, Psychic Enhancement, Sleep Muscular aches and pains
Apple Love, healing, Garden Magic, Immortality Constipation, diarrhea, gout, gallstones, fever, rheumatism
Apricot Love  
Arabic Gum Purify, Negativity, and Evil  
Arbutus Exorcism, Protection  
Asafetida Exorcism, Purification, Protection, banishing anti-spasmodic
Asphodel Love  
Ash Protection, Prosperity, Sea Magick Fever, worms, gout, arthritis
Aspen Eloquence, Anti-theft  
Aster Love  
Avens Exorcism, Purification, Love Astringent, mouth, throat, intestines
Avocado love, lust, beauty  



Bachelor's Buttons Love Indigestion, flu, colds, fever, headaches
Balm, Lemon Love, Success, Healing Flatulence, anxiety, depression, migraines
Balm of Gilead Love, manifestations, protection, healing chronic bronchitis, arthritis, eczema, laryngitis, cough
Balmony   gallstones, jaundice, colic, ulcers, piles
Bamboo protection, luck, hex breaking, wishes  
Banana fertility, potency, prosperity  
Banyan luck  
Barley love, healing, protection Stomach ailments, sores, fevers, gout
Basil love, money, exorcism, protection, flying stomach, kidney, blood disorders
Bay Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength Liver disorders
Bayberry   Diarrhea, throat, Colds
Barberry   Liver Disorders
Beech Wishes  
Beet Love  
Bay Laurel Divination, Protection, Purification, Sleep  
Belladona Astral Projection Deadly Poison
Benzoin Purification, Prosperity  
Bergamot Money Soothe and Relax
Betony Protection, Purification, Love Headache, Facial Pain
Birch Protection, Exorcism, Purification Urinary System
Bistort Clairvoyance, Fertility Counteract Poison, Treat Malaria
Bittersweet Protection, Healing Eczema, psoriasis, warts
Blackberry Healing, money, protection Loose Bowels
Bleeding Heart Love  
Bloodroot Love, protection, purification Diuretic, bronchitis, asthma, croup, laryngitis
Boneset Protection, Exorcism Viral and bacterial infections
Borage Courage, Psychic Powers Adrenals, inflammation
Bracken Healing, Rune magick, prophetic dreams  
Broom Purification, Protection, Wind spells, divination Heart and blood pressure
Buchu Psychic Powers, prophetic dreams antiseptic, insect repellent
Buckthorn protection, exorcism, wishes, legal matters Constipation
Burdock Protection, healing Skin Conditions




Luck, healing, money, protection

Digestive ailments


Chastity, health, divination

Respiratory ailments


Potency, lust, love



Protection, lust, health, anti-theft, mental powers

Digestive ailments


Lust, love

Digestive, breath freshener


Protection, health



Fertility, lust

Liver and kidney

Cascara Sagrada

Legal Matters, Money Protection


Catmint (Catnip)

Cat magic, love, beauty, happiness

cold, flu, stomach


Mental powers, lust, psychic powers



Protection, happiness, legal matters



Money, sleep, love, purification

Digestion, sleep, nerves, colic, anxiety


Removes Snakes

Digestive system

Chickweed Fertility, love Inflammation, cuts, wounds, itching, liver
Chicory Removing obstacles, invisibility, frigidity Liver
Chili Pepper Fidelity, hex breaking, love Digestion, ulcers, headaches, shingles
Chrysanthemum Protection Fever, headache
Chinchona Luck, protection Fever, Digestive problems
Cinnamon Spirituality, success, healing, power, lust, protection, love All functions of the body
Cinquefoil Money, protection, sleep, prophetic dreams Diarrhea, hemorrhaging
Clove Protection, exorcism, love, money indigestion, diarrhea, hernia, ringworm
Cohosh, Black Love, courage, protection, potency Female reproductive system
Coltsfoot Love, Visions Bronchitis, coughs, asthma, lungs
Columbine Courage, Love Diarrhea, jaundice, kidney stone
Comfrey Safety during travel, money Stop bleeding, soothing, healing
Coriander Love, health, healing Muscle rub as well as anti- bacterial, rash, burns, sore throat, colic
Cowslip Healing, youth Expectorant, Chronic Cough
Cubeb Love Stimulant, diuretic, antiseptic
Cumin Protection, Fidelity, Exorcism Diarrhea, Indigestion
Curry Protection Dysentery, diarrhea