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Essential Oils


Essential Oil Planet Magickal Spiritual
Mandrake Mercury Protection, love, fertility Control energy and power
Marjoram Mercury Protection, love, happiness, prosperity Relax nerves
Mint Mercury Passion, Protection, Exorcism Refreshing, clarity, increase memory
Mugwort Venus Astral Travel, prophetic dreams Psychic powers
Myrrh Moon Protection, Exorcism Brow and crown Chakra
Nutmeg Jupiter Luck, prosperity Increase dreams
Opium Moon Love, aphrodisiac, dreams Prophetic dreams
Orange Sun Love, prosperity, divination Relaxing, balancing
Orchid Venus Love Inner beauty
Patchouli Saturn Passion, fertility, prosperity Aphrodisiac
Peach Venus Love, fertility, wishes Dispels negativity
Peppermint Mercury Purification, Psychic powers, healing Antidepressant
Pine Mercury Purification, psychic powers, healing Regenerative, cleansing
Primrose Venus Protection, love Unconditional love
Raspberry Venus Protection, love Optimism, clarity
Rosemary Sun Protection, Passion Mental stimulant
Sage Jupiter Wisdom, protection Cleanse
Sandalwood Moon Protection Harmony
Spearmint Venus Love Inner clarity
Tangerine Sun Protection Ease Tension
Thyme Mars Health, love Strength
Vanilla Venus Passion, mental powers Relaxes, soothing
Wintergreen Moon Protection Aides memory
Wormwood Mars Calling spirits Psychic powers
Ylang-Ylang Venus Love, peace Aphrodisiac