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We are so pleased that you are interested in our club! 
Before we add you to the club, though, 
PLEASE read through this & make sure that you agree to follow 
all of our rules & practices. If, for any reason, this 
doesn't "feel" like the right club for you, no hard feelings. 


There will be no cheating EVER. Not even something that 
others can construe as cheating. If you try to contact your MKC 
Partner about your hand, how to play it, or anything that tells 
about your hand, your P will FF the game immediately & turn 
you in to the Club Managers. You will be removed 
from the club. We pride ourselves on everything.  I can't 
say that every club has this sense of pride & 
honor, but we take the high road...All of the time!

Courtesy & Etiquette-There is to be no bickering or arguing in 
the lobby. We won't tolerate "bashing" of  your fellow sysops, league admins,
club members, club managers, opps, or hosts. This is NOT to 
say that you have to sit on your hands & keep your mouth shut. 
You are invited to question policies & practices, but there is a time 
& a place for everything. In general, these matters should be 
handled in private at a table. For your protection, you may 
want a manager with you, but it is not necessary. You may also 
post questions in the Club MSN Board. This is a very 
helpful place to receive information & share ideas.

There is no games requirement for the Magic Kingdom Club. 
But if we have not seen you around in over a month you will 
receive an email asking you if you still interested in the club. 
If we have not heard from you within a week after we send out the 
email then your Disney nic will be put up for grabs. If later 
you wish to return we will welcome you back with open arms. 
With same nic if available if not you will have to choose another. 

What do the other teams/clubs say about us? 
"Disney's such a nice club."
  "Disney's such a fun club." 
We pride ourselves on maintaining our good reputation 
& work hard not to soil it. We are always there to help new 
people figure out new formats, we are understanding of 
other new people & know that they may play slow at 1st or 
even have to ask a question at a table that is considered Table 
Talk because they simply don't understand the format. 
We like to be looked upon as helpful rather than cold & uncompassionate.

If you decide that this is the club for you, then you will truly 
find yourself amongst a group of genuine friends! 
We are a family club, & all of our players love the 
"honor" of playing with the new guys, so if these rules 
sound like the way you want to be treated & treat others, 
then YOU'VE FOUND YOUR HOME!!! Otherwise, 
we can help direct you to a club that may be more suited to your needs.

We always put FUN & FRIENDSHIP 1st, above anything. 
It works for us, & we are sure you'll feel the 
love the second you decide to become part of our family!
With all that being said, we hope that you decide to 
join us! We are looking forward to playing games with you!

Most sincerely,
MKC Managements
Cinderella, Morgana, Anastasia, Merlin, Snow White, Vixey & Boogieman

Site Copyright © 2004 - 2007 MKC Managers All Rights Reserved
These Rules Were Written (Word By Word) and
Belong to MKC_Cinderella (Manager)
All images, songs, names and anything Disney on MKC
are copyright owned by " Walt Disney Inc ."
Copyright ©
And are used for private use only.
I am in no way affiliated with the Walt Disney Corporation 
or any of it's affiliates.
This is a non-profit website designed to share the love of Disney.