



Name: Daedraug, Dae for short.

Age: Born before First Age ... very old.

Gender: Male

Race: Ngaur (werewolf)

Appearance: as a Man, he is tall and lean, but broad-shouldered. He has black shaggy shoulder-length hair and dark eyes that can change to a wolfish yellow. As a wolf he is large and black and blends easily with shadow. In both forms his senses of hearing and smell are excellent.

Background: As a distant cousin of Draugluin, the leader of the werewolves, he fought closely alongside Morgoth and, later, Sauron. However, he has always disliked the injustice and disdain shown to his people by the Dark Lords, and after Sauron fell after the Last Alliance, he broke away and became a wanderer.

For the past three thousand plus years, he has been, as he says, selling his sword and body for money. Several years ago, he found a home in Near-Harad, and that is now where the money goes. (Story soon to be finished and posted if possible.)

Personality: Trained for many years to be submissive and to follow the directions of others, Daedraug works hard to work against that habit. He has a strong will that has been repressed for many years. He has a good sense of right and wrong, which is why he dislikes the way he lives. His loyalty now lies only with himself and his family, and whoever decides to pay him the most.