


Name: Drizzt Do’ Urden

Age: 150

Race: Drow or dark elf whichever you prefer

Ranger, guard, any goodly occupation.

Personality: Drizzt is a noble elf, despite his dark lineage. Forsaking his homeland at an early age, he has made his way to the surface to follow the call of his heart, whatever that might be. He lives life as much as possible, preferring the more exciting path to that which most elves travel, the careful, thoughtful one. He has suffered many an odd glance because of the color of his skin but is one of the most goodly elves you would ever meet. With a strong sense of right and wrong, he defends what he thinks is right to a high degree.

Features: He has ebony skin and almost shockingly silver hair, still full with his relative youthfulness. He is slim, like most elves, but that frame hides a deceptive warrior strength within him. Strength honed from his training and the years of survival in the ruthless underdark. He is usually seen wearing a piwafawi, or Drow cloak. It allows him to blend in with almost any environment around him, if he so chooses. Usually though it seems like an unremarkable black cloak, with his hood up constantly to shield the color of his skin. Without his cloak, he is usually wearing a normal tunic, with a long sleeved undershirt and plain pants, with his scimitars on his belt. He has another belt around his waist that holds two small dagger sheaths and a few pouches. In one of these pouches, he holds Guenhwyvar. The small figurine was sculpted in the likeness of a great hunting cat, crafted with extreme detail. The owner of the statue can call forth a great panther, known as Guenhwyvar. The panther is six hundred pounds of sleek black muscle, and can do incredible damage to her enemies. Usually though, she is tame as a kitten, and acts like a regular housecat.

Growing up in the Drow city of Menzoberranzan, Drizzt came to realize at an early age that the place was wrong. It assaulted all his sensibilities, which he kept even through the brainwashing teachings of his teachers at the academy. He didn’t hate the surface elves, as he was supposed to. Or any of the other races that pushed his people into the depths of the earth, according to his teacher, and he knew the way his people lived was wrong. His father, Zaknafein, had similar beliefs , and did not want to see his son turn out the way the other Drow did. When his mother killed his father, Drizzt decided to leave the wretched city for good. After acquiring Geunwhyvar from a Drow wizard who tried to kill him, Drizzt set out on his own, into the hostile underdark.

He survived by becoming the Hunter, a primal, basic being that’s sole purpose was to survive. Living in such hostile environments, he needed to in order to live. He lived in a small underground cave, more like a room, and herded rothe, an underdark form of cattle. After a while though, he began to grow tired of his existence like this. He eventually broke down and went to a nearby gnome city. He was about to be condemned to death when a handless gnome named Belwar recognized the rogue Drow. Drizzt had spared him from death at the hands of his brother Dinin. Belwar was spared, but his hands were not. Although he had been fitted with fine replacements, a pickax and a hammer, that were crafted from mithril. After a brief stay in the gnomish city, Drizzt set out for the surface. He had a hard time fitting in at first, and the blazing sun stung his sensitive eyes that had adapted to lightless caverns. He lived on the surface mainly by himself, since no surface dwelling race would accept a Drow. That was, until he met Montolio.

Montolio DeBrouchee was a blind ranger, a man so intune with animals that he could even understand what they were saying. He used his owl, Hoot to fight against the orcs that lived in the region. Hoot would fly behind intended targets, give a hoot, and Montolio would pick them off with his bow. With the help of his owl, he was the best shot in the region. Not bad considering he was blind. It was Montolio that taught Drizzt to speak the common tongue, and tutored him in becoming a ranger. After Montolio died, Drizzt went on his way, with many adventures and many stories to tell, you will have to ask him for the rest.