



Character Name: Ivanthae Elensar

Nickname: “Ivy” or “Poison Ivy”

Age:  223       

Gender: Elleth

Race: Elven

Height: 5' 8"

Build: petite with nice curves and average breasts.

Complexion: fare

Hair Color:

Length & Style: Long (Almost to her knees), and wavy

Eye Color: Emerald Green       

Facial Features:
perky nose, full lips, long eyelashes, doe eyes, and high cheek bones.

Jewelry: Ivy only likes necklaces, bracelets, earrings and head garments that are silver or green. She really likes them when they are in the shape of some leaf, her favorite of course being ivy.

Clothing: She normally wears white gowns that show off her figure. She likes to attract attention to tease the ellons so many of the gowns are snugly fit and low cut, with slits down the bottom of the dress, revealing glimpses of her legs as she walks. Most of the gowns don’t have sleeves as she likes to wear jewelry around her upper and lower arms.       

Like(s): Swimming, Riding, Climbing trees, playing games with friends.

Dislike(s): Taking lessons on combat, stuck inside reading on a beautiful day, rain and eating meat (only eats fruits, vegetables and bread).

Fear(s): Aside from the usual fear of Orcs, trolls, large spiders, etc ... Ivy has a large fear of heights and believe it or not love. After their father left, Ivy and her sister Fern watched their mother fade in sorrow, suffering from a broken heart. Ivy has sworn never to do the same ... but that does not stop her from having fun teasing the ellons and breaking their hearts when she turns them away.

Dream(s): Ivy does not possess the gift of foresight but her dreams sometimes have great meaning.

Personality: She’s a fun and frisky elf, very mirthful.

Favored Color(s): Green, silver and black       

Magic(s): She has the ability to interpret dreams.

Special Magic(s): She can control certain plant life when she needs to.

Non-magical Skill(s): She has a great deal of knowledge when it comes to herbs and she knows how to heal or to use them for ill. She has been known to use herbs for her own personal gain.

Weapons(s): She has a short sword that her mother gave her, but she rarely uses it and doesn’t really know how to use it even if she tried.    

Mother: Ireth Elensar (deceased)

Father: Unknown. He ran off before they were born.

Sister(s): Fernethae “Fern” Elensar                

Brother(s): Gwillas

Children: none

Life Mate: Drizzt

Other Family: Ivy believes that she is closely related to Lord Elrond and his family, but no proof has ever been shown.

Character History: Ivy grew up in Rivendell with her sister. After she became of age her mother faded and she left to go see the world. Her sister Fern went with her but eventually they went their separate ways. Ivy has come back to Rivendell since, but she never keeps her feet in one place for very long.