





Name: Khaliya (female)

Age: 23

Race: human (father was from Rohan and her mother was a easterling)

Personality: Khaliya is very seductive, She’s smart sneaky and a bit vicious (not openly). Even though she might seem like a b-i-t-c-h that’s just on the outside, She has lost all of people who she were important to her so now she has serious commitment issues and don’t trust anybody. Her mother was the one who thought her that men were just for material things an where born to be used by women who owned the skills to manipulate them.

Features: Her hair is long and dark, Her height and weight are both average, She is very beautiful and she has dark eyes (You will see who I want her to look like when I have a banner).

History: Khaliya was born in the lands of the easterlings (east of mordor) where she was raised, At the age of 17 her village was attacked by a group of gondorian soldiers and everyone was slain except for her because her mother managed to tell the soldiers that Khaliyas father was of the Rohrim before she was slain with the rest of Khaliyas family and friends. The gondorian soldiers took her to Rohan where they questioned her father who she had never met about his affair with easterling. They came to the conclusion that she was his daughter and decided that she was to stay in Rohan with her new found father. She hates Rohan and everyone who lives there including her father but she does not show it, her mother taught her that there was nothing to gain by showing people that you hate them but more to gain by acting like you like them.

Other: Potions. I want her to able to make manipulative potions (love potions, etc). Her mother taught her how to make potions when Khaliya was thirteen years old.
I’m not sure if I’m allowed this so it’s something I can edit away (I got nedluvas approval :p )