



Name: Moeth (female)

Age: about 5 years old

Race: Elf

Occupation: growing up

Appearance: Moeth has dark brown hair and black eyes. We shall have to wipe the dirt and soot off her face to see the color of her skin, but she is probably as pale as any Elf. She is short, but that is expected at her age.

History: Moeth lived with her parents on the borders of Elrond's realm in Rivendell, so far beyond Elvish protection that they were among the first to be victimized by the Orc attacks. She escaped from death by hiding in a small cupboard, which fortunately did not burn down with the house. Her only companion now is her tattered cloth dragon, Fang. She waits anxiously for someone to rescue her.

Personality: Before the attack, Moeth had been the average talkative, playful elfling. However, the shock so scarred her that she does not speak. She is a great listener, to those she wants to listen to, and longs for someone to care for her. (possibly more to be added later)