



Name: Ninieth

Age: Approximately 60 but young for an elf

Eyes: Light blue

Hair: So blonde that it appears silver

Height: Average

Weight: Athletic build

Weapons: Sword and bow

Race: Lorien elf

Occupation: Lady of Lorien and swordsman

Even though Ninieth was raised with the royal court of Lorien, she was taught by her sworn brothers how to use her weapons. She is very adamant about not being treated with kid gloves when she is a trained warrior. A kind hearted individual that doesn't like to be crossed

Features: Silver blonde haid and piercing eyes.

History: (Original Character) Ninieth had a crush on Legolas since an elfling. Raised by Rumil, Orophin and Haldir she is very protective of them (sworn brothers) and stays as closely to them as she can. On a diplomatic mission to Lorien, Ninieth happened upon Brethildur became slightly infatuated with the idea of his being Legolas's brother and because of this she kissed him in hopes of spurring part of what she held in her heart for the other Mirkwood prince. All did not go as planned when Brethildur pushed her away and made advances on Haldir.

Scorned and upset she left Lorien to bring herbs to the healers in Rivendell from Lorien but she found Legolas alone in the kitchens. A friendly game of tag between them to a whirlwind romance and two hearts that began to beat as one. After coupling with Legolas, the became seemingly inseperable and she even followed him to Mirkwood when the attacks took place when Sauron over took the realm.

The Mirkwood people sought refuge in Rivendell and found out Ninieth was with Legolas's babe. Upon learning of her pregnancy, Legolas forbid her to fight and brought her to her home in Lorien with her brothers. Shadow fell and Lord Elrond and his daughter were taken and Legolas volunteered to go on the quest for his friends and father. Heavy with child,  after learning they weren't bound because he had joined with the Mirkwood healer, Melian. Broken vows and tearful farewell, her beloved was on the valiant quest. She awaits his return for he was the only one to tame her wild soul.