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~Sounds from Lord of the Rings~

The Road goes ever on and on...

~Best heard with Windows media~


Afraid - Frodo says he's afraid

All ends - Gandalf speaks about judging

Alone - Frodo says he can't do it alone

Battle is over - Gandalf talks about the battle being over

Board is set - Gandalf

Carry you - Sam says he'll carry Frodo

Changed - Galadriel speaks of the world changing

Claim him - Arwen to the Nazgul

Ranger from the North - Denethor about Aragorn

End of all things - Frodo to Sam

Bow - Aragorn tells the hobbits not to bow

Death - Elrond to Arwen

Evil - Boromir

Fear - Aargorn says he doesn't fear death

Fly you fools - If I have to tell you....

Fools hope - Just a fool's hope

Frightened - Aragorn to Frodo about the nazgul

Victorious dead - Theoden's toast to those who died

Lesser Son -  Denethor to Faramir

Master's Call -  The Ring hears it's call

Motion - Gandalf about the ring

Precious -  Gollum about the ring

Near-  Legolas says something draws near

Never late - Gandalf says a wizard is never late

Night to remember - Bilbo to Gandalf

Nobody Likes you - Gollum self loathing

No Promise - No promise that you can make that I can trust

Not Grieve - Theoden to Eowyn

One Ring - One ring to rule them all

Hope - Pippin asks if there's hope

Protect - Aragorn swears to protect frodo

Rare gift - Aragorn about disappearing

Remove those -  Saruman talking about oppostion

Ride now - Theoden's battle call

Ride hard - Aragorn to Arwen

Rule Middle Earth - Saruman about ruling Middle Earth

Run Shadowfax -  Gandalf to Shadowfax

Shall not pass  - Gandalf to the balrog

Secret - Gandalf about the ring

Shire... Baggins - Nazgul to a hobbit

Small - Galadriel about hobbits

Stupid fat hobbit - Gollum about Sam

Sword/bow/axe - Pledging themselves to Frodo

Task -  Galadriel about Frodo's task to rid of the ring

Thunder - of Mordor

Time of Elves - Galadriel about the time of elves being over

Unchallenged -  Aragorn say he has gone unchallenged long enough

Word of comfort -  Saruman to Gandalf about Frodo

Your staff is broken - Gandalf to Saruman

Unite - Elrond

What do you want - Saruman to Gandalf












