



Name: Tiwyn

Age: In her 20's

Gender: Female

Race: Human/Rohan

Appearance: Blonde hair and Deep blue eyes

Background: Originally from Gondor and trained to be a healer but sent to Rohan to be the healer there when the other healer died. She was raised by the Gondorian healer after her parents were both killed in attacks by Sauron to Minas Tirith. She has no known brothers or sisters. She was taught to use a sword.


After arriving in Rohan she began to realize there was more than met the eye. In her first hours of work, she was stolen from, had a man stabbed, lost her money and began recieving mysterious gifts. Dubious she waits for events to unfold.

Personality: Very sweet and loyal. She has a great deal of compassion and hope for the human race despite what she's seen but tends not to think lots of herself. Just her ability.