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Name: Cathan

Age: 25

height: 6'4"

weight: 246

Description: Dark. Long black hair that fall on either side of his face in two thick braids. His eyes are a piercing dark blue with dark lashes around them. His face is amazingly unscarred despite the number of battles he's seen. He's strong and commanding, always at the front of battle, refusing to put the men in his care through something he won't go through himself. He trains constantly his body at it's peak. He has a fair number of battle scars, and he looks made to hold a sword in his hand.

Personality: He's a leader through and through. He expects the best from everyone around him having little time for weakness. Weakness is meant to be fought at every chance. He's a fair leader on the battlefield but a hard task master in the training grounds. He can be passionate and loving in careful circumstances but his preference for men leads him to be very cautious about his affections. He's in a high enough position in court that his preference is known but as long as he produces an heir at some point in his life it matters not what he does between the sheets and with whom. Cathan though is cautious refusing to drag his paramours name through coutier gossip as such he rarely takes a lover, finding satisfaction sometimes with a fellow warrior, one night and then back to the life at hand. He's in control of everything needing to know the minds of his officers and those closest to him, his life having been threatened not only on the battlefield, but in the privacy of his own room. As such he only trusts 10 men with his life. Now nine the death of his squire leaving him in sore need for someone he can trust with his life while he sleeps.