


Name: Fereveldir

Height: 5'11''

Build: Like most Elf warriors. Lithe and slender, but at the same time have a very svelte musculature. None can doubt the build of an Elf trained in Lorien.

Hair: A very light chestnut that will sometimes shine auburn in the sunlight.

Eyes: Changes depending on the current mood he's in. When angry they'll glint steel grey;sad or depressed they'll be a dark grey;happy, content, euphoric, or anything in between they'll glitter silver. Only shades of grey or silver.

Identifying Marks or Scars: Several scars; he's lived no protected life. One major one rakes across his rib cage, another long and perhaps inch deep one creates a crescent shape in his back.

Personality: Fereveldir is a cheerful elf that is naturally acclimated to anything of mischief. His humour is often off-the-wall and tongue-in-cheek, sometimes his jokes can actually make a hardened warrior blush. He's a very prideful creature, and no elf is without it's bit of vanity. He's a master of the image he projects and the facades he manages to create for himself. If provoked he's hardpressed to keep his control and tends to act before fully thinking it through it he looses that control. If he manages to keep hold of himself, though, he can trade insult for insult easily and has a silvertongue to get out of tight situation. All in all he's very sharp and has a harsh wit. He loves to make people laugh, but he does have a sense of respect and will not intrude upon things that are closed to him. Fere doesn't fall quickly in or out of love, but once he makes a committment he sticks to it.. and also has a problem with jealousy.

Skills and Abilities: He's very skilled when fighting with twin blades--which he's mastered-- and he's mediocre archer. Fere also has unnaturally sharp instincts and takes gut feelings seriously. His only other mention-worthy skill is extremely keen eyesight in both day and dark, he can see a little farther than the natural elf.

Marital Status (if applicable): Freelance. Has had a few relationships here and there, nothing serious.

Children (if applicable): None.

History: He was birthed to an unmentioned she-elf and a foolish father. After he was barely of age they passed into Grey Havens without so much as a word. Since he joined the ranks of the Lothlorien guard and preferred to be on duty that wandering around the city as he had in his youth. For the most part Fere requested to be on any patrol leaving the forest, scouting mission, or anything involving the outside world. After years of service he bid farewell to the Golden Wood and set-out on a little freelance job as a bodyguard to a caravan traveling to Rohan. For several years he spent time traveling and adventuring to all sorts of places, such as: Rohan, Gonor, Mirkwood, Dol Amroth, even the Shire. Upon entering Mirkwood at one point he caught sight of a few Elves struggling with an unruly colt that refused to be introducing to the bit and upon a gut decision he bought the little dapple grey on an impulse. This proved to be a very wise choice, because the gangly little colt grew into a finely built stallion. The horse's unbreakable spirited earned him the name Ilterendi, and after many trial and error training attempt he gained the horse's trust. Now the two are inseperable, bonded horse and rider. One could only adventure for so long though, and after one hideous Orc encounter (hence the cresecent scar on his back when he was captured and tortured.. among other things) a few fellow Elves happened upon the Orcs and after decimating them they found his body among the dead Wargs and Orcs. After healing in Lothlorien he remained there for only a little while before heading towards Rivendell. Now he was searching for a place to take up roots for a little while, and Rivendell was the only place he hadn't visited. Perhaps there is something there that can hold his interest..