



Name: Nestadion

Age: Several Thousand Years

Gender: Male

Race: Eldar ( First ) Elf / Vala

Appearance: Striking --black hair usually combed back, giving him a "vampirish" appearance. Liquid brown eyes- that may change to flame when angry or excited. Very handsome, due to his combination of Vala / Elven blood. Tall.


Nes has claimed for many years to be from Rivendell-- in reality he is a First Age Half Elf / Half Vala- the offspring of a dark-aligned female Eldar- who had been taken to Utumno- and the First Vala Melkor.

He has recently had his cover blown for good- and currently resides at his adopted home of old, Mordor.

He was born about the time of Melkor's First reign-- in the far latter part. His early years are not well known- but it is certain that Melkor was aware of his progeny.

By the time of the Return, Nestadion was much older--and he and his mother spent most of their time at Angband, the lesser fortress of Sauron and Melkor.

After his father was broken and re-captured, Nestadion's mother lost her mind-- and what became of her is not certain.

Nestadion pledged fealty to Sauron after he took over Mordor in the 2nd Age.

The intervening years before that, he wandered in the East--and allowed his hatred for the Valar to fully bloom.

Nestadion was present in Eregion as Sauron masqueraded as Annatar the Fair- helping to lay the foundation of the great deception--and then later- when Sauron went to Numenor, Nes stayed in the Shadows.

In the early 3rd Age, he reunited with Sauron at Dol Guldur, as soon as Sauron was able to take a tangible form as the Necromancer.

He has spent the mid to late 3rd Age working espionage for Sauron--

--but secretly feels cheated of his birthright, as the only living offspring of the Constrainer.

He toys with the notion of rising to power himself--and retaking the Throne of Melkor Bauglir-- and rebuilding the ancient fortress at Angband.


Nestadion is extremely sadistic, will use violence as a first choice, and ought never to be trusted. Loves sex and drink, and is very hedonistic.

Has always had a bad reputation as a seedy character in Rivendell and Loth Lorien-- but he has an equally strong reputation as one to not be crossed. Many live in fear of him--and he carries the nickname the Black Shadow, in deference to his striking without warning.

Adept killer / spy / enforcer.

He has a very deep hatred for Gandalf the Istar, perhaps due to Gandalf's opposition to Mordor.