




Name: Raven

Race: Andunic (Numenorian descent, like Aragorn)


Age: Appears to be 25


Height: 5'11

Build: slightly built

Hair: Long raven black hair

Eyes: Deep darkish blue eyes

Marks/Scars: on her left arm she has a tribal tattoo, and just below her right shoulder blade a jagged scar

Personality: Kind and noble loyal and sarcastic, not many see what lies beneath the tough surface she presents to the world

Skills/Abilities: Skilled in swordsmanship and archery can use almost any type of weapon given to her    

Parents: Robin and Eldran (Both dead)


Siblings: An older brother Marius  (dead), Younger sister Devon (alive)

Marriage: Husband Derek (dead)


Kids: 1 year old son Jasc and 4 month old baby girl maleena (both dead)

Grand-kids: none

History: Born in Rohan she spent most of her days in her village, every so often going with her mother into town to see the beauty of the great hall, though she never saw the inside not daring to get that close her and her mother only entered the town to buy herbs and spices and a few other things that may had needed at that time, Her mother spent most of her time tending to her family and home, teaching raven and her sister Devon how to cook clean and how to read, things she thought valuable in life, things all women should know.

Ravens father would teach respect and skills in weapons teaching raven devon and there old brother Marius how to hold a sword and be prepared in a time of urgency just in case a man was not around to protect them from danger, her father believed highly in the women of Roan knowing how to use a sword, he used to always say those who don't know of the blade can still die by them, Her brother Maries always watched out for the two girls he wasn't the mean type always wanting the around trying to the big brother to protect them forever, ravens little sister devon was a kind but mischief type like raven always speaking her mind even though it could end up getting her in trouble.
Time had past and time had taken effect raven now was a women. Day by day she fulfilled her duties that her mother had taught her. By this time she was 16 and had been quartering a young man a year older then her for sometime now named Maries, he would help her father in the field to take care of the crops and such, she adored him and he adored her and with in a year they were wed with the blessing of ravens parents.

Not long after Raven and Marius were wed they were bless with a beautiful baby boy that they decided to name Jasc. Raven and Marius was so happy that they had a son and Ravens parents were so happy to be grandparents Marius was couldn't believe he was an uncle and devon was happy to be an aunt, not to long after Marius birth raven had become pregnant again and soon arrived a gorges baby girl which they decided to name Maleena, Raven couldn't be more happier in her life everything was working out she had two beautiful children with a man she loved and adored her life was to her was everything she could ever want.

Soon a dark cloud descended on middle earth and the war of the ring had come to pass, raven and her family fled to helms deep where Roan was to make a stand, some where in the commotion her family was lost and raven and devon were the only two to survive from that family, raven died that day she wouldn't eat nor sleep she just sat in her home and stared, her sister stayed with her through her time of need, raven became ill one night and her body couldn't fight the sickness, to this day raven does not recall what happen that night al she could remember was the tears of her sister and a healer that stood by her bedside. she woke about a month later from what she was told she had died that night and had be revived by the grace of God, she was given a second chance.

Raven swore that her second chance would be used wisely, she fight harder and live to see the sunrise until they day would come that she dare to be great