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Whether decorating your home, or simply creating a small space to reflect the spirit of this beautiful slowing down season, fall symbols are abundant.  

Autumn Leaves:
When a tree no longer needs it's leaves it drops them gracefully after a show of bright and vivid colors.   Although nature seems dead in winter, the fallen leaves remind us that a rebirth in the form of new leaves will blossom once again when the time is right.   In the Fall we can marvel at the intricacy and beauty of the leaves and the wisdom of letting go of all that no longer serves us.   As you place some leaves around your home, you may want to give some thought to any self-limiting beliefs or patterns you would like to let go of in the new year ahead.

apple bowl

Apples: The round, sweet, shiny apple was originally an ancient symbol of the goddess of love, and of the sweetness of life.   If you want to invite more feelings of love and sweetness into your life, apples are not only a perfect symbol for you but very abundant this time of year.

wheat bundle

To early agriculture a good harvest of wheat assured an abundance of the bread that would keep the community alive throughout the winter.   Wheat sheaves have since become symbols of a successful harvest.    Wheat represents all that is truly nourishing and life-affirming.    A bundle of wheat wheat would be a good symbolic choice for your home to represent a desire for security through success.

The word literally means "horn of plenty".   The cornucopia was used to evoke abundance in ancient Greek and Roman art and was usually shown overflowing with fruit, wheat, and flowers.   Placing a cornucopia or even a simple bowl overflowing with nuts, gourds, and other harvest fruits on your table can represent gratitude and this affirmation:   “In this moment, I have everything I need.”

Bountiful Harvest
Bountiful Harvest Art Print
Bianchi, Riccardo
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