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Great Hall

Welcome to the Great Hall! Are you here for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or just a snack? We have many great foods in the Great Hall. I really like the chicken drums myself. Anywho enjoy yourself and keep watching, there's a pig that comes in here and eats so much that he has to go to the Hospital Wing. Your going to have to pay for the food though I'm really sorry. But, the good thing about paying is that every food item you buy you not only get that food but you get a letter of thanks from the headmistress saying many, many thanks. Well I hope you enjoy your self and if you don't eat you'll starve and die and if you die we will have to throw you out of the castle. Which means that in your vault if you dont eat at least one thing a week your vault will be deleted from the site inless you have a Hospital Pass that you can get there. Well anyway thank you for viseting and if your buying anything e-mail what you want to buy and the price to thank you byebye!!!!


Pancakes.........2 knuts

Waffles.........2 knuts

Oatmeal.........1 knut

French Toast......... 3 knuts

Eggs......... 7 sickles

Hash Browns.........8 sickles

Sausages.......... 1 knut

Bacon......... 2 knuts

Cereal (any kind)......... 2 knuts


Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich......... 2 knuts

Potato Chips......... 3 sickles

BBQ Chips......... 3 sickles

Chicken Noodle Soup......... 3 knuts

Ham Sandwich......... 2 knuts


Chicken Drums......... 3 galleons


Mashed Potatoes and Gravy......... 5 knuts

Steak......... 5 galleons

Lobster......... 4 galleons

Bread Rolls......... 2 knuts

Corn......... 1 galleon

Green Beans......... 4 knuts


Rice Cakes......... 6 sickles

Chocolate Frogs......... 4 sickles

Wizarding Squares......... 2 knuts

Bertie Botts Every Flavor Jellybeans........ 3 sickles

Droobles Best Blowing Gum......... 4 sickles

that about rapes it up I hope you have a wonderful day!!