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*You can make it a self-watering pot for an extra galleon*
Regular Terracotta Thermic - adapts the temperature to accomodate the plants inside <2 galleons, 4 sickles>
Charmed to fit crops - you can plant your own crops with this pot! <7 galleons>
10 meters long/1 meter deep - for basic plants and greenhouses <2 galleons>
*All types of earth come in 5kg quantities*
Topsoil <2 galleons>
Dragon Dung Fertilizer <3 galleons, 7 sickles> Mushroom Compost <1 galleon>
Forever-Fertile ~ This earth stay fertile for up to 10 years, no matter what you plant in it! <6 galleons, 10 knuts>
Tropical soil ~ for all those tropical plants! <2 galleons, 3 sickles>
No-Freeze ~ This soil will never freeze and will keep all of those beautiful flowers warm in the northern winters! <3 galleons, 1 knut>
Spade <5 Sickles, 3 Knuts>
Shovel [regular] <8 Sickles>
Hand Shovel <5 sickles>
Self-Digging Shovel <1 Galleon>
Garden Hose <4 Sickles, 7 Knuts>
Self-watering Garden Hose <8 Sickles, 14 Knuts>
Sprinkler <10 Sickles>
Lattice [5 meters] <12 Sickles, 16 Knuts>
Tomato Rings [15] <28 Knuts>
~Herbs {Wizard}~
*All Herbs come as one plant and cost 9 Sickles each*
Acacia ~ Burn as an altar offering; aids psycic powers and meditation
Agrimony ~ Protection; Returns Spells to their sender; Promotes sleep
Alder ~ Whistles mage from alder call the Wind
Allspice ~ Burn for prosperity
Angelica ~ Sprinkle around the house to ward off negativity; protection; divination
Anise ~ Purification; Protection; Entices spirits to aid in spells
Apple ~ Bury in the garden on Samhain {Hallowe'en} as food for the departing spirits; Love {share an apple with the one you love}; Health; Attracts Unicorns
Ash ~ Used to make wands; protection; leaves for prophetic dreams; prosperity
Avens ~ Purification; Love
Basil ~ Protection; Wealth; Love; Repels Negativity Bay ~ Burn for psycic powers; Purification; Wish Magick
Belladonna ~ Used for astral projection ¤POISON¤
Benzoin ~ Burn for purification; Prosperity
Bergamot ~ Success
Betony ~ Burn at Litha {June 21}for purification; Protection; To be rid of nightmares {put in a pillow underyour pillow}; Sends away despair {sprinkle around doors and windows}; Psycic awareness
Birch ~ Protection; Purification; Wards negativity
Blackberry ~ Protection; Health; Prosperity; Pies for Lughnassadh {August 1}
Blackthorn ~ Returns evil to sender
Borage ~ Tea aids psycic powers; Carry leaves for protection
Briar ~ Add to tea for Clairvoyant dreams Broom ~ Purification {sweep ritual area}; Hang indoors for protection {Fairies do not like this plant, and by working with Devas, you may also come to loathe the musty scent of broom}
Burdock ~ Wards negativity; Purifies; Protects {can be used when washing floors, or wear the dried root strung on red thread}
Cardamon ~ Burn for love spells; Use in love sachets
Carnation ~ Protection; Altar offerings to the Goddess; Strength
Catnip ~ Love and Cat magick; gets rid of parasites
Chamomile ~ Meditation; Rest {drink in tea}; Purification; Calmness; Prosperity
Cherry ~ Wood chips burnt at Sabbats; Creativity
Cinnamon ~ Burn for spiritual and psycic powers; Protection; Success
Cinquefoil ~ Prosperity; Protection; Purification;
Divination {dreams}Citron ~ Eat to increase psycic ability
Clove ~ Burn for wealth, purification, and to ward negativity
Comfrey ~ Root and leaves for healing, carry for safe travel
Coriander ~ Health
Dill ~ Seeds draw money; Leaves are used for protection; Flowers for love
Elder ~ ¤Caution: Seeds are poisonous ¤ Wards negative thoughts when used as wind chimes; Blessings; Wood ¤NOT¤ to be burned as it is sacred to Hecate; Flowers may be used as an altar offering; Berries are often made into Esbat {Full moon} wine; The flowers may also be added to a candle spell addressed to Hecate during the new moon
Elm ~ Attracts elves; love
Eyebright ~ Tea for aiding mental powers
Fennel ~ Protection; Sacred to the God of the Woods; Hung over doors at Litha
Ferns ~ Burn indoors for protection; Burn outside for rain
Feverfew ~ Wards sickness; Wards accidents in travel
Foxglove ~ Grown in the garden for protection of the house and yard
Frankinsense ~ Protection; Blessing; Spirituality; Meditation; Power
Garlic ~ Sacred to Hecate; Flowers used as Altar offerings; Cloves for protection
Ginger ~ Love; Success
Hawthorn ~ Powerful wands; Fertility Magick; Protection
Hazel ~ String the nuts on a cord and hang it in the house or ritual room to invite the help of plant faeries; Used for wands; Healing; Protection; Luck
Heather ~ Red to start or end projects; White for Protection; Purple for spiritual development; Use at Samhain {Hallowe'en} to invite spirits to visit
Hops ~ Health; Aids sleep
Hyssop ~ Purification; Wards negativity
Kelp ~ Wind and Sea spells; Protection; Psycic powers
Lavendar ~ Attracts Elves; Burn for purification; Peace; Use in baths for purification; Burn at Litha as an offering; Love; Psycic awareness
Lemon Balm ~ Success; Health; Love
Linden ~ Bark used for protection; Leaves and flowers for immortality, good fortune, sleep, and love
Loosestrife ~ Purple restores harmony and brings peace {can be sprinkled in the corners of rooms or given out as a gift to bring about an accord}
Mace ~ Burn for psycic power and protection
Marigold ~ Marriage spells; Clairvoyant dreams {in a pillow}; Mixed with water and rubbed over the eyelids to see fairies; Protection; Enhanced psycic powers; ¤Always pick in full Sun¤
Marjoram ~ Love; Protection; Wealth
Mint ~ Protection; Prosperity; Altar offering for helpful spirits
Moonwort ~ Divination; Love; Prosperity
Mugwort ~ Divination; Rub fresh herb on crystal balls and magick mirrors to increase their strength {pick on the night of the Full Moon}
Mullein ~ Protection; Divination; Health; Courage
Mustard ~ Health; Protection; Fertility
Myrrh ~ Protection; Wards negativity; Burn for purification and consecrations
Nuts and cones ~ Use to tip wands for fertility magick
Oak ~ Sacred to the God of the Woods; Used for wands; Burn leaves to purify the atmosphere; Use galls in charms; Acorns draw money; Burn wood for good health
Oats ~ Wealth; Offering for the God
Orange ~ Peels for Love; Incense for good fortune; Divination
Parsley ~ Purification; Protection
Patchouli ~ Incense for drawing money; Fertility; Earth; Underworld
Pecan ~ Prosperity
Pepper ~ Use in amulets or grow for protection; Wards negativity
Pine ~ Brush outdoor ritual area with a branch to purify and sanctify; Burn for cleansing; Pine needles used in money spells
Rosemary ~ Burn for purification; Wards negativity; Protection; Love; Grown to attract elves; Health; Blessings; Consecration
Rowan ~ Wands and amulets for knowledge; Incense of leaves and berries for divination; Fires to call upon spirits for help; Grown for protection of the home; Inspiration
Rue ~ Blessings; Consecration; Protection; Use as altar oil; Health
St. John's Wort ~ Burn at Litha to send away negativity; Wear for invincibility; Health; Willpower; Gathered at Litha
Sandalwood ~ Burn for protection; Full moon Esbats; Wards negativity; Spirit offering
Solomon's Seal ~ An offering to the Elementals for their aid; Protection
Star Anise ~ Burn for psycic power; Good fortune
Straw ~ Attracts Faeries; Do not burn magick-infused straw as it will bring ill-fortune; Can be used as an image to protect an area {when no longer needed, release and toss into the wind}
Tansy ~ Health
Thyme ~ Wards Negativity; Burn for purification and healing spells
Trefoil ~ Decorate altar; Protection; Luck; When taking one, leave a bit of ginger or milk poured onto the ground as payment to the Faeries
Vervain ~ Gather and burn at Litha; Altar offering; Love; Purification; Draws riches; Creativity; Wards psycic attack
Vetivert ~ Love; Money; Wards negativity
Wheat ~ Fertility; Wealth
Willow ~ Burn bark with Sandalwood for divination; Love; Protection; Powers of the Goddess; Energies of water
Wormwood ~ ¤Poisonous¤ If bunred, use in well ventilated area, preferably outdoors; Evocation; Divination; Scrying {divination with a magick mirror} at Samhain {Hallowe'en}, best used when combined with Mugwort; Protection; Sacred to the Moon
Yarrow ~ Divination; Love; Happy marriage {a wedding bouquet}; Wards negativity; Defense; Protection; Gather at Litha {June 21}
Yew ~ ¤Can be poisonous¤ Yule {December 21} symbol of death and rebirth; Used for daggar handles; Raises the dead
Yucca ~ Transmutation, Protection, Purification
~Muggle Vegetables~
*All Vegetables come as the original plant and cost 8 Sickles, 5 Knuts*
Cherry Tomatoes
Giant Tomatoes
Pumpkin {magical ones later on in the list}
Green Peppers
Red Peppers
Yellow Peppers
Bell Peppers
Green Beans
Lima Beans
Kidney Beans
Romaine Lettuce
Red Leaf Lettuce
Iceberg Lettuce
Boston Lettuce
Brussle Sprouts
*All fruit come as the tree and cost 10 Sickles, 8 Knuts*
Bosc Pear
Green Apple
Red Delicious Apple
Golden Delicious Apple
Grape Vines
*All trees come 3 years old and ready to transplant and cost 1 Galleon, 6 Sickles*
Alder ~ Water magick; Strangth
Apple ~ Love; Spirit food; Immortality
Ash ~ Study; Health; Enhances magick; used for brooms {a.k.a. Besom}; Stang
Birch ~ Purification; Blessings; Health; Beginnings; Besoms
Elder ~ Cleansing; Offerings
Fir/Pine ~ Prosperity; Birth and rebirth; Stang
Hawthorn ~ Purity; Protection; Wands; Attracts Faeries
Hazel ~ Wisdom; All around Witches/Wizard's wand
Holly ~ Enhances magic; Power {remember what mr ollivander said to harry!}
Ivy ~ Fertility; Love
Mountain Ash {Rowan} ~ Protection; Enhances magick; Stang
Oak ~ Fertility; Power; Balance; Protection; Success; Stang
Poplar ~ Success
Vine {grape} ~ Happiness
Willow ~ Moon magick; Wishing; Spirits; Death passage; Besoms
Yew ~ Psycic awareness; Death passage; Spirits; Raises the dead {remember how the Yew tree was planted in the graveyard when Voldemort came back!}
*All teas are made right here in Greenthumbs! All teas come in packs of 15 tea bags*
English Breakfast Tea <10 Sickles>
Irish Breakfast Tea <10 Sickles>
China Black Tea <10 Sickles>
China Green Tea <10 Sickles>
Tea for Divination <12 Sickles, 4 Knuts>
Tea for Psycic Healing <13 Sickles, 8 Knuts>
Tea for Love {Spells} <16 Sickles>
Tea for Meditation <6 Sickles, 20 Knuts>
Tea for Purification <9 Sickles>
Tea for Relaxation <1 Galleon>
Tea for Health {Spells} <1 Galleon, 13 Sickles>
Tea for Protection {7 Herbal Powers} <2 Galleons>
~Wizard plants~
Flutterby Bush {1 Galleon, 6 Sickles}
Bubotuber {1 Galleon, 10 Knuts}
**Mandrake {2 Galleons}
Bouncing Bulb {15 Sickles for 5}
Magick Beans {1 Galleon for 20}
Cat Grass {11 Sickles, 18 Knuts}
Snootberry Bush {1 Galleon, 16 Sickles, 4 Knuts}
**Poison Ivy {1 Galleon, 23 Knuts}
**Devil's Snare {2 Galleons, 5 Sickles}
Pumpkins {quick-growing} {4 Galleons for 2}
**Psilocybin Mushrooms {3 Galleons for 7}
Faerie Ring Mushrooms {11 Sickles for a complete circle}
Faerie Bush {1 Galleon, 18 Kunts}
Elf-Trees {3 Galleons for 2 trees}
**Corps-Flower {5 Galleons ~ world's largest flower}
**Giant Venus Fly-Trap {4 Galleons, 12 Sickles}
**Massive Sundew {3 Galleons, 27 Kuts}
**Deadly Pitcher Plant {4 Galleons, 15 Sickles}