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Fear of GOD

"For all those things My hand has made, And all
those things exist, Says the LORD. But on this one
will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite
spirit, And who trembles at My word." Isaiah 66:2

Beloved, when was the last time you were so affected by the
reality of God's word that you trembled. Have you ever trembled
when God spoke? In Rev 1:17 John says he lost all physical
strength. Paul fell to the ground on the Damascus Road
(Acts 9: 4) as did Peter in Luke 5: 8.

In the teachings of Martin Luther, he always began his
explanations with the statement, "We should all fear and
love God so that we'll" Imagine how changed our churches
could become if the "Fear" as well as the "Love" of God
became absorbed into our understanding. We have lost
our "Sense of Awe." We have, in effect, brought God down
to our level of respect, our sense of equal-ness.

We say that all are equal, but God is not a man that we can
compare. Read again in Proverbs 9: 10, "The fear of the Lord
is the beginning of wisdom." There are things that you will
never begin to understand until you have fear and reverence
for God. For He is Holy, Holy, Holy,


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