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My Loves Me!!!!!!!

What do I love? Let me show you...In no order of course..

I ♥ my friends!!!!!!!!!

I ♥ My kitty Curious George(Georgie).

I ♥ Mr.Chris Meloni.

I ♥ Johnny Depp.

I ♥ The Smashing Pumpkins.

I ♥ The Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

my soul
I ♥ my Billy Corgan.

I ♥ Monkey like Curious George.

This is from a shirt Jessi got me for my birthday that I ♥ .

I ♥ Anything to do with Fairies...I have three Fairy posters and counting.

I ♥ The Icon Jessi made me!!!!

I ♥ notes from People I love...this one is from Libby(and it's kinda old)

More Loves Coming Soon!!!