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Important Pagan Holidays Important Pagan Holidays


Important Pagan Holidays:

(In the Northern Hemisphere)

  Yule Dec 22     We will be celebrating Yule on Sunday, Dec 21 at around 6 pm in the UC North Ballroom.

  Imbolc Feb 2

  Ostara Mar 21

  Beltaine (Bialtane) May 1
See picture!*

  Midsummer Jun 21

  Lughnasadh Aug 1

  Mabon Sep 21

  Samhain Oct 31


Many thanks to WITCHVOX for providing these dates and links!  Please visit their site for more information!

Other Holiday Links:   

Website on the Pi Holiday (which is not pagan, but I thought it was cool)

We will be celebrating these holidays on or near these dates (often on the Friday nearest the date, but sometimes not).  Our biggest celebrations are for Yule, Beltaine, and Samhain.  Check with this site as the holiday nears for more information about our celebration!

*Note: The photos on this site do not show people, if you would like a photo including people on this site, please email me with express permission of everyone in the photo.

These holidays are also known by many different names, please email me some alternative names so I can list them as well, or with any other things you would like to see on the site!
