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Some info on me:

My name is Hannah Elliott.  I have been a part of POWERS for three years now.  I am a Pagan and a Christian (which I know some of you will think is a contradiction, but for me, it is not).

This year I was elected to create a group Web site.  This has taken longer than expected, due to the fact that I am also working as a Montana Technology Corps member, which is part of AmeriCorps.  If you would like more information on AmeriCorps or Montana Technology Corps, just click on the links.

Since my experience with web page building is only slight, any helpful hints are always appreciated, my address is

note: I do not yet have express permission to show group pictures, therefore no photos are posted yet.  If you would like to see your picture on the web site, please email me! Or, if you would like to make a "doll" like the one I made of myself (above), go to (you might have to register to make your own, or I can make one for you) and email it to me for the website!

If you would like more information on why I'm doing what I'm doing, check out this link!

If you would like to find out more about Christian/Paganism, check this out!  (I have not checked out all the links provided by this page, so again, feedback is great!)

Also, if anyone really wants to know, I believe in one God (not male or female, God is above those descriptions) who has many forms and does not discriminate against people for worshipping it in different ways.  I believe that to call on God's help, no matter how you do it, is to call on all the "powers" of the Universe, and that it often simplifies things for God if you narrow your inquiry to a few "powers" by calling on deities that represent your need.  God and the Earth/Universe are one and the same.