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Our dossier was sent to the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG). Because we have a devolved government in Wales (but it doesn’t have many powers!) all our documentation for the ICA is checked there first, to make sure it is all in order, and nothing has been missed from our homestudy. Was supposed to only take three weeks, but there were staffing problems! Lack of Social Workers to check the homestudy, the medical officer who dealt with ICA had been seconded elsewhere, so the other medics at WAG had to be chased up and reminded to look over our report.
During this time I had joined a couple of website groups for ICA, and China specific, and found another Welsh couple whose paper’s were at exactly the same stage as ours, so we emailed each other to let each other know what was going on!
Finally, by the beginning of October, we were asked to send all our extra paperwork for China (financial report, employment letters, the China medical, the photos, our letter to the CCAA and guardian letter, plus the money for the Foreign and Commonwealth office), as WAG were ready to send our paperwork to the DFES in London.

Many Thanks To
Special permission has been granted by Grace Lee, Cute Colors, to use the images for this page