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September 24th, 2005

Still had a fairly sleepless night. Gwion woke up at midnight and stayed awake for two hours! Ceinwen woke up for her feed at 2:00 am., and went back to sleep. We were up earlier today though, and had an earlier breakfast.

Today we had a trip to the main tourist attraction in Nanchang: The Tengwang Pavillion. There has been a temple on the site for over 1000 years, but the temples have been rebuilt 29 times, the last time fairly recently.

Tengwang Pavillion

It was again very hot and sticky, but Gwion enjoyed being able to run around, though he got fed up of the museum bit of the pavillion.

Gwion at Tengwang Pavillion

He also caused quite a stir with all the Chinese! Being a small blond, blue-eyed boy everyone wanted their photo taken with him, and kept coming up to him and picking him up, and asking could they take his picture. Gwion enjoyed all the attention he got! He treated it all as one big game. It wasn't just the women that wanted their picture taken with him, it was also the men! They were all fascinated that we have one son of our own, and now a Chinese daughter.

Ceinwen also got a lot of attention, as did the other babies in our group as they were with Caucasian parents.

Gwion was fascinated with the fish in the streams at the temple, and kept saying he wanted to find the frog which he thought he could hear. Didn't find it though! He wasn't so sure about the big bell that you could hit with a large wooden hammer, which you have to do four times to bring you luck, good fortune, health and a good job!

Gwion and the Bell at Tengwang Pavillion

After the visit we went to a local Chinese restaurant for our lunch. Wanda ordered the dishes for us to try, so we had local food. Made life a lot easier for us. And it was very, very cheap. About £15 ($27) for two families!

Ceinwen in a Highchair

Gwion in a Highchair

This afternoon we've just been relaxing. The orphanage presents that the seven UK Nanfeng families were giving to Director Lu were being delivered to the hotel at 3:00 pm., so me, Gwen and Lindsay went down to hand them over. We bought the orphanage three cots and four baby walkers, which is what Director Lu said that he needed. We've also got some toys, which he will get on Monday, when the other four families adopt their daughters.

Ceinwen is adjusting really well. She follows Gwion everywhere he goes, with her eyes. Gwion is getting on with Ceinwen very well. She cries when she is given to Rhodri initially, but calms down after a couple of minutes. She does love to be held. Gwion keeps trying to give Ceinwen a cuddle, but sometimes he is a little rough with her.

Gwion and Ceinwen

Tomorrow we've got a day trip into the countryside, to see a bit of Jiangxi Province.

Hope we all get a better night's sleep tonight.

Next....September 25th, 2005