We had a great Christmas. Gwion was really excited going to bed on Christmas Eve. He hung up his and Ceinwen’s stockings on the fire guard, and left a mince pie and glass of milk for Sion Corn, and some reindeer food for Rudolph. He took quite a while to go to sleep!
Thankfully Gwion didn’t wake up early, just at 7:00 am., and came into our bedroom all excited. I had to go and get his stocking which was left at the end of his bed, and he had great delight in opening it up sitting on our bed! Then I took him downstairs for breakfast, and he was very excited to see all the presents under the tree. Ceinwen woke up at 8:00 am., and Rhodri brought her downstairs with her stocking. She didn’t really know what was going on, and Gwion was very interested to see what she had, and wanted it all!
We started opening all the presents at 9:00 am, and with the amount they had it took forever, because they were very good and looked at every present they were given, and played with it for a while. Undoing the wrapping paper was the easy thing; it was getting each toy out of its box as they are all over-tied down with metal wires, which takes forever to do! Ceinwen falling asleep and then lunchtime broke up the present opening, but it also gave Gwion a lot of time to play with some of his new toys, and not feel inundated with everything! He was very surprised that he was getting much more than Spencer and Duncan (the 2 Thomas the Tank trains he had asked for) and was delighted with everything he got.
He even loved all of Ceinwen’s toys and wanted those as well, especially the “ride on” Pooh bear boat we got her. He keeps trying to claim that as his own, and Ceinwen isn’t going to let him, as she really loved that toy, too!
She got a lot of musical type toys (which she was delighted with and dances along to all the tunes!) and clothes.
So a good day was had by all. Enjoy all the photos! Next....Ceinwen's First Birthday